36| Planning Revenge

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One week later, New York, Raabia's apartment:

Raabia worked on her laptop when the doorbell ring startled her. She glanced up at the alarm clock placed on the top shelve of her study table.

She pressed her lips tightly and shook her head. When there is a third ring, she sighed removing her glasses.

She opened the door and Saad stood on the other side.

'Hey.' He greeted her dryly and entered home.

'What is this, Saad? Is this the time to return home?' Raabia folded her arms angrily. Saad looked up at the clock and wondered what is wrong. It is only nine, he always returns this time. At first, he ignored her as she followed him into his room lecturing him about being late. But when her lecture went overboard Saad snapped, - 'Stop acting like my wife.'

Raabia paused, her mouth hung open for a second.

'I am your wife.' She stated matter of factly. Saad scoffed as he removed his socks. He placed his shoe and socks next to his bed and looked at her.

'Only for namesake, Raabia. There is not a single thing we do what couples do. Heck, we even stay in two separate rooms.' He exclaimed waving his hands in the air.

Raabia's posture dropped as she is taken aback with the oblivious fact. Saad showed his palm to her and insisted she stayed away.

'Fine.' Raabia huffed stamping her feet.

She turned around and stormed out of the room. Saad looked at her confusedly.

Saad flinched hearing the door to her room shut.


'Where is dinner?' Saad yelled from the living room. It is ten in the night and yet there is no food. Saad had heard Raabia doing something in the kitchen. He had also smelt food but there is no food in front of him, yet.

Getting no reply for five minutes, Saad paused the video game he was playing in the living room and got up from the bean bag.

He noticed the door to her room is closed and so he assumed like always perhaps she has made food and kept it in the fridge for him. Saad didn't disturb her and walked into the kitchen.

Saad is baffled when he found the fridge empty. Forget food there are no leftovers. He sighed massaging his forehead with his fingers.

Raabia smirked when she heard the knock at the door. She glanced at the door and got back to reading her novel.

There is another knock, a louder and agitated one.

'Come in.' Raabia yawned flipping a page.

'What is this Raabia? Where is food? I heard you making something in the Kitchen.' Saad demanded.

Raabia lazily looked up from her novel. She had been sitting on the bed in striped red and white sleeveless Tee and red shorts. Her legs stretched with her feet overlapping. Her back resting against the bedpost and her body propped up by her elbow.

'Oh, that? I ate it.' She replied coolly, shifting in her place. Saad's mouth dropped open.

'And where is mine?' Saad asked placing his palms on his hips.

Raabia shrugged going back to reading. Saad looked away briefly, his breathing getting uneven as he tried hard to not scream.


'I don't know, Saad. I am just your namesake wife. Go get a real wife to cook food for you.' She responded flipping another page.

Saad's nostrils fumed and he clenched his fists. Raabia doesn't look up from her book but she smiled as he fumed out of the room.

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