35| Gondola Ride

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Later in the night, Raabia found it difficult to sleep. Though she was exhausted and her eyelids felt heavy but she couldn't sleep. This frustrated her.

Every time she closed her eyes the events of the evening flashed before her eyes. The haunting laughs and their voices that sounded gribbish to her.

The only thing she could understand was, - 'Good Indian Girl.' They had grabbed her bag. But Raabia had fought with full determination. The goons were almost going to give up, but the second man had grabbed her waist from behind with one arm and with the other hand he covered her mouth tightly. And then the first one snatched her bag. Raabia had kicked her legs and punched her fists but they weren't deterred.

After took all her belongings, Raabia had roamed aimlessly on streets and finally dropped at the dock and began to cry.

She had lost all hopes then, had Saad not come what would have happened to her? Raabia shuddered thinking of the possibilities. Honestly, she hadn't expected he would come looking for her.

Raabia opened her eyes and turned to her side. She rested her head against her arm and looked at Saad.

He slept on his back. Her gaze fell on his palm resting on his chest. She watched his chest rise and fall steadily. She smiled gratefully at him. Staring at him, Raabia fell asleep.


Raabia snored softly. Her deep slumber is broken when she welcomed a soft pillow on her face. She sat up straight, '****' She cursed.

'Good morning to you too.' Saad's smiling face came into focus.

'What the **** Saad, why are you throwing a pillow at me?' Raabia mumbled raffling her hair.

Saad smiled. 'For the same reason you had drenched me with water,' - he reminded her and then added, - 'We have sightseeing to do.' He sat opposite her.

Raabia's gaze fell to the cup he held, she smiled eyeing the steaming hot mug. She needed some caffeine to recharge her and help her calm her throbbing headache.

But her smile dropped into a frown watching Saad take a sip from the cup.

'Idiot.' She muttered angrily as she climbed down the bed.

Saad shrugged looking clueless.


Everything went back to the normal for the two.

Saad and Raabia argued over which destination to go. One kept a grumpy face as they visited the spot of other's choice.

The two also clicked individual photos. Since Raabia didn't get back her phone yet, she used Saad's. They also clicked only a few together for namesake.

'Gondola Ride.' Both said in unison and then looked at each other. It is the first thing they agreed on something in the whole day. But for the sake of argument, they fought over going for the ride before lunch or after.

'Now, means now.' Raabia held Saad's hand and dragged him towards the line. Saad sighed.

They stood in the queue feeling excited. They mutually decided to take a shared ride, private one was pricey.

And they didn't need private one anyways.

The gondola ride is the main tourist attraction here. There is technically not much to do in Venice but this ride is a must.

The boat is small black one with red colored seats. A man wearing red striped Tee and black pants stood at the edge of the boat with an oar.

Saad got in the boat first. The man extended his hand to help Raabia and when she extended her hand Saad held hers.

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