49| Raabia's Dark Past

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Raabia woke up before Saad; she quickly showered and dressed in her casual peach wrap top and white cigarette pants. When she came out of the washroom, Saad was still sleeping. This time he held her pillow in a tight embrace and snored slightly. Raabia shook her head and turned around walking out of the room.

She walked into the living room, she is startled when Faheema literally pounced on her and squeezed her into a tight hug. Mr. Kaif and Feroz were all smiles and grins. Raabia looked confused. Faheema separated their frames, she held her shoulders and beamed widely at her. Raabia eyed her Aunt suspiciously. She got a hint when she noted Faheema's gaze travel from her face to her stomach.


'Beta, you have made me so happy.' Mr. Kaif hugged her tightly. Raabia is wide-eyed and numb, so she doesn't hug him back. Mr. Kaif placed his palm on her daughter's shoulder and turned to Feroz, - 'I am going to be a grandfather.' He confessed happily.

Raabia gulped; it is now or never.

'Papa.' She began uncertainly. Mr. Kaif turned and smiled at her. Raabia wanted to clear the doubt but looking at her father's smiling face and twinkling eyes she stopped. She couldn't bring herself to break his heart.

'What beta?' Mr. Kaif asked, he sounded concerned and this made Raabia guiltier. She simply shook her head not meeting her father's gaze.

'This calls for celebrations.'- Feroz exclaimed and then looked around, - 'Arey Bhai, where is Damadji? Party is on him.' Feroz gushed happily.

Faheema held Raabia's hand and asked her to go wake up Saad. Raabia nodded her head and before walking out she glanced at her father; he chatted happily with his brother, and looking at him Raabia felt her heart sink further.


Saad frowned on hearing someone groan and a heavyweight sitting at the edge of the bed. He opened his eyes and blinked few times before raising his head little and saw Raabia sitting on the bed holding her head in her hands.

He turned to his side and propped himself on his elbow. 'What happened?' He asked groggily.

Raabia sighed moving her head, she pushed her hair to one side and turned in her seat. She looked at Saad. He yawned and looked sleepily at her.

'Everything is messed up.'- Raabia paused waiting for Saad's reaction, he simply blinked at her and so she continued-, 'Your Mom has informed everyone that I am pre-pregnant.'

'What?' Saad's eyes widened and he quickly sat up. Raabia nodded seriously.

'Shit!', - Saad exclaimed running his fingers through his black hair, - 'Why didn't you clarify them?' Saad demanded angrily. Raabia lowered her head and muttered. 'I couldn't.'

'What do you mean you couldn't?' Saad asked aghast. Raabia looked at him annoyed.

'Because I saw my father happy,'- Raabia stood up angrily, Saad sat on his knees on the bed and they glared at each other, - 'He had a heart attack and is recovering from it, I don't want to shock him by saying that we haven't yet consummated. Forget to consummate, we don't even talk properly.' She spat angrily.

Saad stopped moving and stared at her. Looking at his expressions, Raabia sighed and sat on the bed.

'Forget it, whom am I trying to explain.' She shook her head and leaned forward holding her forehead.

Saad blinked at her momentarily and then shifted near her. Raabia felt him sit next to her, he let his legs down and sat beside her. She closed her eyes when he placed his palm on her shoulder.

'I am sorry.' He apologized sincerely.

Raabia felt tears prick her eyes as she leaned against him resting her head on his shoulder. Saad doesn't say anything, he simply placed his arm lightly on her shoulder.

'My father is everything to me.'- Raabia quickly wiped her tears and clasped her palms tightly, - 'I was nine when my mother passed away...it was my fault...I was blamed all my life for it. I don't know what happened that day.' – Raabia shifted separating their frames, she looked at Saad. He held her palms and looked intently at her, - 'I was a kid and a troublesome brat back then, and as always I was being naughty that day...my mo-mom was running behind me and then...then...her-le-leg slipped and she fell...' Raabia closed her eyes tightly letting tears fall, she couldn't continue further as the horrible incident flashed before her eyes.

The gruesome image of her mother sprawled at the end of stairs with blood everywhere still haunts her. She felt her chest heavy as she recollected her mother's blank eyes staring up into oblivion. As a kid, she hadn't understood what was wrong. She had sat by her mother's dead body shaking her fervently and sobbing.

'I promise I will be a good girl, please talk to me, Mamma.' She had sobbed badly. But her mother never replied.

Even today, Raabia could feel her mother's icy skin and cold eyes. Still, it sends a shiver down her spine.

And then next thing, she knew everyone was mourning and crying. She wasn't ready to accept that her mother was dead. So, she didn't understand why her mother was wrapped in white cloth and why men carried her on their shoulders. She had asked her father but he was grief-stricken to respond. The only person who spoke was her Aunt who publicly cursed her and called her Manhoos (Bad luck/Omen). She never stopped after that. All relationships turned bitter then.

'My Chachi is also my Khala, my mom and she are sisters. That's why she took my mother's death to her heart.' Raabia confessed. Saad held her palms tightly.

'Raabia?' He looked at her concerned.

'My Papa was the only person who stood by me. For me, he didn't remarry. For me, he didn't give a second chance to life and dedicated himself to only me. For me, he broke ties with his only brother and Bhabhi. Papa managed me single-handedly, from school to home works to assignments to tuitions and even my personal problems like monthly cycles and all, he guided me. And-', Raabia looked determinedly at Saad, - 'I can do anything for him. That is why I married you even though I didn't love you and knew I will be miserable but- anything for him. And now, when he is ill I can't-'

Raabia stopped when Saad held her face, - 'You don't have to.' he said wiping her tears with his thumbs. He stared into her eyes. 'We will do one thing, go to the doctor and make a fake report or something and inform them that they are wrong.' He suggested.

Raabia nodded. Saad wrapped his arm around her shoulder and made her rest her head on his shoulder.

'Don't worry, we will do something.' Saad patted her arm. Raabia sniffed wiping her nose with the back of her palm.

She closed her eyes relaxing in his arms. Raabia doesn't know why she confessed this part of her life to him, to Saad. She has never confessed this to anyone, she and her father had silently and mutually decided to not talk about the incident. And she never did. Not even to her close friend, Sebastian. Then why did she confess to Saad?

Perhaps she has truly begun trusting him, more than anyone else. 


Oh, My, God! Mrs. Alam gossiped it everywhere *Face Palm* and Raabia's past *heart breaks* It was so emotional *cries* 

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