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Saad moved and sat beside her, Raabia inhaled sharply and shifted. He held her hand she stiffened.

Her heart hammered so violently that she felt it would jump out of her ribcage. Saad caressed her wrist with his thumb, she stared at their hands. She began breathing unevenly as he placed his palm on her cheek. Raabia closed her eyes feeling his head inching towards her. Saad tilted her face towards him.

 Saad held her cheek tightly hovering his lips against hers. Raabia felt goosebumps feeling his warm lips fan her upper lip.


Oh, My, Gosh! Guys *_* Kiss??? 

I m so so excited *dances* Our leads are going to share their first kiss *drools* Are you all excited as well? Shout a YES in the comments *hearts* *hearts*

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