29| The Reception

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Walima (Reception):

Raabia felt irritated as her mother-in-law, Zoya and one beautician hovered around her. One trying to fix the veil of her Blue and green Lehengha choli while the other busy in fixing Raabia's make-up. Zoya was simply gushing how beautiful her Bhabhi is.

The dress was heavier than the Bridal Saree Raabia had worn for her wedding. She stood up with help of Mrs. Alam and the beautician. She found difficult to walk and almost stumbled but the ladies had held her arms tightly and saved her from the embarrassment. Raabia cursed everything from the elaborate and heavy dress to the bloody Stiletto.

Saad stood with his friends on the stage. The AC of the damn wedding hall wasn't functioning and dressed in ink blue Bandhgala Shervani and white pajama Saad felt very hot. He kept loosening his collar which is now soaked with sweat. But every time he tried to unbutton his collar his father nudged his arm and he stopped.

He envied his friends who wore traditional clothes but nothing elaborate. They kept teasing him.

'Waise, I heard you guys broke the bed last night.' Omar winked at Saad.

'Yup.' Dhruv grinned placing his arm around Saad's neck. Saad glared at them but his shameless friends continued to laugh.

'Here we have got something for you.' Sandeep whispered. Before Saad felt Omar slip something into his chest pocket. Saad dug his hand into his pocket when Dhruv held his hand.

'Not here, bro.' He warned him.

Saad frowned.

Sandeep enquired how his first night with his bride was to which Saad replied, - 'Nightmare.' The three men chuckled.

'By the way, Saad bro-', Omar whispered-, 'now is the perfect chance to take revenge from that ****.'

'Hey, watch it. She is my wife now.' Saad sounded miffed. Though he hates Raabia he didn't like his best friend commenting badly about his wife.

The three men rolled their eyes together. They took turns to remind him everything Raabia did back in college. They reminded about her slapping Omar and the Banner incident. The Banner incident made Saad angry once again.

Omar and Dhruv smirked.

'She is your wife now. Destiny is giving you a perfect chance. Take revenge, dude.' They encouraged him.

'But how?' Saad asked cluelessly.

Dhruv slapped his forehead but Omar explained to him patiently, - 'break her heart. Just do that and she will be crushed.'

Saad looked apprehensive and so Sandeep added, - 'she didn't think before destroying your chance to be the President of the department. Why should you think of her?'

Saad looked away from his friends as he pondered over their words. He didn't feel comfortable with their idea. Somehow it didn't feel right.

As he looked around, his gaze fell on the ladies. Raabia in the center. With her head lowered and the ladylike walk, she looked nothing like the Tomboy Raabia he had known.

He smiled seeing her struggle as she climbed on the stage.

Break her heart. Just do that and she will be crushed- Saad's smile faded.

Raabia is made to stand next to him, she tripped and fell to her side. Saad was quick to hold her. He wrapped his arm tightly around her shoulder. Raabia looked up into his eyes and their gaze met.

The photographers began clicking fanatically. Omar hit Saad's shoulder and he quickly looked away. Raabia steadied on her feet and smiled awkwardly at the crowd.


The two were made sit like show pieces as one by one people climbed up on the stage wishing them and handing them envelopes. Raabia kept all hers with her while Saad kept his with himself. Like always, this time also they were competing on who gets more envelopes. Raabia smirked. Saad's has more relatives than her so naturally, she will be getting more than him. But she doesn't tell him. Seeing him smile, Raabia pitied him.

Bas chaar din ki chandini, dear husband- She thought with an evil smirk.

(Only a few moments of happiness)

Later, a huge three tier cake was brought. It was beautiful layered cake covered with white cream and pink icing. On top, there is a cute bride and groom in a traditional black suit and white gown. This time while standing up Raabia made sure she doesn't tumble.

Mrs. Alam handed them a knife. Raabia held the knife and Saad was forced to place his hand over hers. Both cringed as they cut the cake together.

Raabia took a small piece and stuffed it into Saad's mouth, she faked a smile at him. Saad frowned briefly before forcing a smile too. Saad took a turn to feed Raabia. She almost choked as he fed her the cake. Raabia glared at him while wiping the corner of her mouth with a tissue. Saad smirked proudly.

Next much to their annoyance, Saad and Raabia were forced to smile and pose for the camera.

Soon, dinner was announced and the two fell on the sofa. By this time half the guests had left. It was them and few close relatives.

After dinner, when the time of second Biddai came, Raabia hugged her father tightly and broke down crying. With tears flowing down his cheeks, Mr. Kaif hugged his daughter. She clung onto him and refused to let go. Saad stood beside them having his palms overlapping each other, he looked on awkwardly.


Later in the night, Saad sat on his bed counting number of envelopes he got. He frowned looking at Raabia's stash. Clearly, he is outnumbered. He sighed slamming the envelopes on the bed.

'Argh...' Saad jumped up on spot hearing a loud shriek. He stood up and fanatically rushed towards the bathroom.

As he neared the bathroom, the door opened and Raabia ran from inside the washroom and dashed into him.

'Uff.' Both fell on the floor. Saad fell on his back and Raabia fell over him.

They looked at each other briefly before realizing that Raabia is clad in only a towel.

They broke apart. Raabia sat clenching the towel close to her chest. Saad noticed it has loosened little from the back. He gulped and quickly looked away.  


Oh No! *dramatic gasp* Saad, please don't listen to your friends. NO! His friends *beep* *beep* *beep*. What you guys think will Saad do what his friends have advised him? What are your comments on his friends? 

How was the Chapter, guys?

Precap: The part you all had been waiting for *naughty wink*

Thanks so much for reading, my lovelies *flying kisses* Your love and support keeps me going *more flying kiss* and *tight virtual hug* So, pretty please don't forget to vote and comment :* :*

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