42| His Care equals He Loves you?

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Next morning was brighter than usual for Raabia. She quickly changed into her tracksuit, purple tank top, and Capri hot pants. She tied her hair in a high ponytail and left the room.

'Hey.' She is startled by a voice. She looked to her right and found Saad had just come out from his room.

She agreed when he suggested they jog together.

They had always gone jogging to the nearby park but individually. Today is the first time they are together. Raabia liked it. First, she and Saad did their warm-ups together and then jogged alongside, matching each other's pace.

'We have done only ten, five more.' Saad urged Raabia. But she had given up and leaned forward placing her palms on her knees. She huffed shaking her head.

Saad sighed and walked up to her. He held her arm as Raabia continued to shake her head.

'Okay, five minutes break.' He declared and Raabia exhaled deeply, - 'Thank God!'

When Saad had said five, he had meant five. Exactly, after five minutes he began tugging Raabia's arms reminding her of the five more laps. Seeing his determination, she gave up.

'Look at you, just getting fat. You are going to be under my guidance now.' Saad said as they began jogging. Raabia glaring at him. She felt a stab at her ego.

'You can never be better than me.' She replied with her chin raised high. She then jogged ahead of him. Saad pressed his lips tightly and increased his pace. No ways, can he let her be ahead of him.


'Hello, Maam.' Raabia looked up from her computer and found Ajmal standing in front of her cubicle. She is amazed seeing his transformation from a geeky guy to now. Dressed in grey and white formal shirt and Denim with his hair neatly gelled he looked like a young man and cool. Even his accent has improved a little. In few weeks this is an achievement.

'Janet has done a perfect job on you.' Raabia complimented him.

Ajmal looked slightly taken aback with the smile, guessing by his expressions Raabia quickly changed her face back to being straight.

He forwarded her a file and added a shocking news, - 'I am getting married. To Janet.'

Raabia had her jaw dropped, - 'What?'

Ajmal blushed and insisted she comes to the wedding. Raabia is super shocked.


After lunch, Raabia stepped out of the bathroom stall and found Janet at the mirror fixing her make-up. Raabia stood beside her and watched her smack her lips. She then looked at Raabia. The two girls exchanged smiles.

'So, heard you and Ajmal are getting married.' Raabia asked casually as she washed her hands. Janet paused with her fingers in her hair. She looked at Raabia. The way she looked at her, for a second Raabia regretted asking. She should have cross verified before asking or best, shouldn't have asked at all.

Janet's expressions changed and she blushed. Raabia felt her heartbeat return to normal.

'You guys fell in love? How?' Raabia enquired as the two ladies walked towards the coffee machine. Janet blushed fidgeting with her ID card. She shrugged at Raabia.

'I don't know. We work together. He used to make me laugh, we used to talk, sometimes things about work and at times random things. His care, the way he cared for me, even the simple things like getting me coffee, dropping me home. Everything just attracted me to him and then one day, he proposed.'

Raabia heard her intently and then asked, - 'So if a guy cares for you. Does it mean he loves you?'

Janet thought for a second as she placed her mug under the coffee machine, - 'It doesn't mean he loves- loves you, but he definitely likes you. You must be meaning something to him else why would he bother in the first place.'

Raabia nodded thoughtfully.

'What if it's out of humanity?' Raabia asked placing her mug next.

'Yeah, that is there too. But helping out of humanity won't be intimate, as in it will not touch your heart the way the like or love care will feel, -' she took a sip of coffee and smiled-, 'we girls are blessed with a very good sixth sense, we can tell.'


Raabia kept wondering over Janet's words till the evening. She looked up from her dinner plate and at Saad who kept mindlessly eating the dinner she had prepared. Cauliflower and Roti.

'Saad?' She began cautiously

'Hmm.' He replied feeding himself a morsel of food.

'Why do you care for me?' She asked directly

Saad paused licking his middle finger clean, he moved his hand away and blinked at Raabia. She shifted in her seat. His gaze fell on her plate and he noted her food is untouched. He frowned and then looked at her. She is still staring at him. When their gaze met, Raabia repeated her question. Saad noted she had clenched her fists tightly as she anticipated his answer.

Saad's thoughts drifted to Omar- Break her heart, that will be a perfect revenge.

He opened his mouth to reply when other of Omar's words came to his mind- she will be shattered.

Saad shifted in his seat and looked at her, Raabia held her breath and looked back in uttermost concentration. 


Uh-Oh, guys *gasps* *gasps again* What is Saad going to reply? Please, Saad, don't break her heart, the poor girl has started falling in love with you, man, please don't *cries* Raabia will be truly shattered *heartbreak*. What do you, guys, think? Will he break her heart?

Guys, I am super tensed and super excited. And you all? Drop in your comments. And please, vote *smiles*

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