45| Mr. Kaif

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Raabia had her heart in her mouth as she stepped out of the car. Saad climbed after her but she didn't bother turning back or even getting her luggage. Saad did everything including negotiating with the driver.

Raabia urgently rang the door-bell and within minutes her Uncle opened the door. Her Chacha who had always been cheery and glowing is now looking dull and grim. His eyes swollen and hair messy.

'Where is Papa?' Raabia could barely speak because of the tight lump that formed in her throat. He nodded and took a step back, - 'Upstairs.' He said in a small voice. Raabia followed him closely.

By the time, Saad came in dragging two suitcases he found the entire living room empty. He doesn't say anything and simply looked around hoping to find someone but there isn't anyone around. He heard voices from upstairs.

'Papa.' Raabia dropped her handbag and hurried towards her father.

Mr. Kaif shifted in his place. Dressed in grey kurtha he looked fragile. He smiled meekly at her. Raabia sat on the bed beside him and hugged him tightly.

She is relieved to see her father. He isn't well but better than she had thought.

For Raabia her world had ended when her Uncle had called to inform her that Mr. Kaif had a heart attack, this time a serious one.

First, she was numb, then panicked so much that she couldn't think straight and Saad had to calm her down. He quickly booked tickets for them, next flight to India and they hurried here.

Raabia separated their frames and held his shoulders. She scanned him asking repeatedly if he is all right.

'I am fine, dear.' Mr. Kaif smiled placing his palms over his daughter's hands and moved it away. Raabia frowned and scolded her father for being so irresponsible.

Mr. Kaif smiled watching her daughter turn into a strict mother. She stopped when he held her cheek.

'My Pyara Bacha.' He caressed her cheek lovingly.

Saad followed the voice to the room on the left of the staircase. Hesitantly, he peeped inside and saw everyone gathered around Mr. Kaif.

'You scared the hell out of me, Papa.' Raabia confessed and hugged her father tightly again. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes feeling secure in his embrace. Mr. Kaif smiled caressing her head.

Faheema turned little and found Saad looking apprehensively at the duo.

'Arey, Damadji. Why are you standing outside? Come in.' She hurried towards him. Raabia and her father straightened and Feroz (Chacha) turned. Saad smiled awkwardly at all of them.

Mr. Kaif smiled and gestured him to come to him. Saad nodded humbly and walked towards him. Raabia stood up and he sat in her place.

'How are you- Pa-Papa?' Saad asked, hesitantly.

'I am fine, now.' Mr. Kaif smiled and held his palm. Saad placed his other palm over theirs and smiled confidently at his father-in-law.

As the three men spoke, Faheema walked up to Raabia and nudged her elbow. She looked sharply at her Aunt.

'Come to the kitchen with me.' She gritted her teeth close to Raabia's ear. She looked at her Aunt surprised wondering why should she follow her. Faheema doesn't wait for an answer and turned around walking haughtily. Raabia looked at her father and deciding to not create a scene she left the room.


Raabia was handed a tray filled with two glasses of orange juice and was ordered to give it to the men. She silently nodded and this made her Aunt suspicious. Nevertheless, she didn't say anything just made weird faces.

Raabia served everyone drinks and sat next to her father. Mr. Kaif praised Saad with his chest puffed up with pride. Saad blushed, Feroz Uncle patted his shoulder and smiled happily. Raabia looked at Saad and when their eyes met. She smiled at him, she is grateful for him to console her, manage the tickets and come with her. Saad smiled at her but had to quickly away as Mr. Kaif began speaking something to him. Raabia looked away too, his smile; even though it was for a milli-second, still lingered in front of her eyes.

She smiled tugging random curls behind her ears.


At Dinner, 

                     Raabia is impressed how Saad gelled into the family. It seemed like he has been part of the family for years. He joked, laughed with them. He even teased Faheema many times making her blush. Feroz seemed super impressed and kept on praising Saad; who every time did a little bow when he was praised.

But more than anyone else, Raabia seemed dazed by him. At times when Mr. Kaif whined about not having food, Saad would insist and become stern when he didn't listen. Raabia liked the way he behaved with her father. She found herself leave her food and admire the duo, especially Saad. Every time she looked at him she would feel her heart flutter, a small smile appeared on her lips and her cheeks flush. 


Phew! and *smirks* Raabia is blushing *_* someone is already in love *dreamy sigh* 

What are your thoughts on the Chapter, guys??? Drop in your comments :* 

Thanks so, so, much for reading, my Jaan-e-maans *flying kisses* Please don't forget to vote and comment *_*

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