Shoot! I longed somewhere to hide. I was too weak to defend myself-- I couldn't do this.

Mrs. Cribble calmly walked over to the kid, removing the note from his face and reading it. She turned to stare at me, but she didn't appear to be outraged like she always was. Her gaze spun back over to the kid, her eyes full of disappointment.

"I've worked with kids for 5 years, Jacob. You believe I can't tell that this is your hand-writing? Leave the poor girl alone."
Jacob opened his mouth to argue, but Mrs. Cribble wasn't taking it. "Go to the office, now."

As I watched Jacob go, I felt satisfied with myself for the first time in a while. That's the first good thing that has happened to me today.

After Science, I walked alone to Lunch, sitting by myself at my table where I usually ate. I lost myself in the river of my thoughts as I dreamed on about Fall Out Boy. I loved this band for many reasons. Only these four guys could create a sound in my mind that would put the euphoric song on replay in my head. They were the only band able to allow me to even feel remotely relatable to such beautiful, well-writtrn lyrics. I wish I could meet them...

Something amazing suddenly came before my eyes. It's like that feeling when you stand up to quick and lose your vision-- although this is a better version. What appeared to be a short man wearing a fedora, who I thought looked exactly like Patrick, I saw walk from the office doors to the music room.
I shook my head implausibly. I wish. My mind's getting the best of me!

I continue to eat until it was time to go. Now it was the part of the day where I could actually feel and be myself-- music time. I try opening the door to the classroom, but it was locked. I was always early because I loved to get away from people. I tried the door again, but I reckon the new teacher enjoyed to keep things locked.
I decide to knock on the door gently and wait a few seconds, until I hear the sound of keys jingling behind me. I corner around, stunned.

Patrick Stump.
"Let me help you with that," he said, connecting the key in the keyhole and twisting it. The door opened as he tangled out the key, allowing me in. I was too stoked to budge.

"Y-You're-- Patrick.. Stump..." I was unable to remove my gaze from the short strawberry-blonde man.

All Patrick did was laugh. "Sure am!" He scanned the room and outside the door in curiousity. I looked into hid eyes for a seond, catching a glimpse of them. On camera, his eyes were always a watery blue-- but once you see him up close, his eyes are like an ocean mixed with sweet honey, pooling around each other as if the were some type of protective layer. "Seems like you're early, kid..."

"Ten minutes early." I didn't explain why, nor did I want to concern Patrick, so I chose to add that it was natural for me. He went to his desk, and I followed him, still unable to believe my eyes.

"So... why do you work here? What happened to the band?" I ask out of the blue.

Patrick chewed his lip. "I always have a side-job, even Pete, Joe, and Andy do."

I nod, soaking in this new information. "I-I'm a huge fan of your music and everything..."

Patrick beamed cheekily. "I am blessed and very humbled to have you as a fan, then--" he looked at me with a weird gaze as if he were trying to read my mind to figure out my name.

Adopted by Patrick Stump ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant