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Hello and today I will be answering questions from some of you followers that read this story.

First lot of questions come from TheMotherOfAllDemons  :

What's the baby girl's name?

Well as you know Kieran's mother has given birth to a baby girl, which has no name yet but I can happily say her name is Amelia-Leigh Stevie.

How many Pokemon does Ash have now?

Well Ash still has the Pokemon's that he caught including the ones that he released (not including Lapras) and the ones in training. The addition Pokemon's are: Toucannon, Vikavolt, Mudsdale, Dewpider and Lucario.

The last question from the owner of the account.

Am I going to be covering all the regions?

The answer is yes. I will be covering all the regions. I will say Sinnoh will be the exciting one as many Pokemon's are caught by the gang. At the end of the Hoenn journey there is bombshell.

The next lot of questions comes from pikachulover0927

What made you do a Pokemon journey?

I will be very honest with you, growing up I always wonder what it would be like for me to be doing my own journey as a Pokemon trainer so I came up with the idea of writing my own. It's fun and it's your ideas, you can tell your story, you can be as creative as you want.

There is many things in the anime you don't see or heard about. Like pregnancy, I don't think I have seen someone in the anime be pregnant or had a baby.

Is there going to any romance in the story?

Yes, Lois and Jack are dating while Kieran and Jordy on the other hand are developing.

How did Team Rix get it's name?

Well this is a tough question, Rix in urban dictionary means acting as a cool individual. So Team Rix was made after Team Rocket was broken up, which you will find more about in the next chapter.

So this group made name of Rix to act cool by taking people's Pokemon and money.

Are they similar to Team Rocket ?

In a way they are by stealing Pokemon's but they are more like the other Teams that want to take over the world.

Questions from  curia24

How long is Kieran going to be gone for?

Two chapters, so basically 4 weeks in the story.

Does Kieran know Ash?

Yes Kieran knows Ash because he grew up watching him, but has never met him.

Will Ash be in the story?

Yes he will but it will be towards the end of the story.

Will there be any new trainers joining the gang on their journey?

Yes but it wouldn't be until Hoenn or Sinnoh region.

Will Jordy fall for another person, while Kieran is away?


Is Kieran going to have a fully evolved team when he comes back?

No, but there will be a new Pokemon that the gang does not know about because it belongs to his dad. When Kieran does come back one of his Pokemon will eventually evolve.

Questions of my own:

Why did Lois in chapter one go with her grandma instead of her mum or dad?

To answer that question, Lois mum and dad is dead. Lois mom died after giving birth to Lois' little sister, who you will meet later in the series. She has an older brother, who is a breeder. Her father died in a car crash.

Does any of the characters have any problems?

Kieran is deaf and suffers from sleep paralysis.

Jordy has diabetes and suffers from panic attacks.

Lois has autism and is colourblind.

Jack suffers from scoliosis.

Who's the oldest of the group?

Jordy is the oldest being three months older than Kieran, five months older than Lois and ten months older than Jack.

Jordy - 18
Kieran - 17
Lois - 17
Jack - 17

Describe the appearance of the characters

Jordy - White female, who has freckles, blue hair (Pixie cut) and hazel eyes. She is a sort of tomboyish person and she hates make up.

Kieran - White male, who has blonde- brown hair (Samurai topknot) and brown eyes. Laid back type of person.

Lois - A female who has olive tanned skin tone, green hair (Bangs) and green eyes. Shy girl.

Jack - White male, who has dark brown hair (Quiff) and brown eyes. Weird guy.

If you do want to ask me any questions, do comment on this and I will answer it for you.

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