To Vermilion City

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"Hello my name is Kieran, I want to become a Pokemon master just like Ash Ketchum."

It was the morning, the sun glared into my room making it brighter than what it was. Jordy was gone, she must have gone to have breakfast I thought.

I got up, done my routine and went to met up with the others.

"We are going to the bike shop right Kieran?" Jordy asked.

"I promised you didn't I?" I asked.

She nodded.

We all thanked Nurse Joy for letting us stay for the night.

We settled of on our journey to the bike shop.

The amount of bikes we saw, from the blue one to a red one. It was bike haven I thought.

Jordy decided to get the white bike, while I decide that me and Jack should get the Tandem bike. Lois didn't want a bike because she liked walking.

We left the bike shop and rode to route 5.

Me and Jack was attacked by a Pokemon.

Jack was angry, throughout my eleven years of knowing him I have never seen him this angry.

"Ekans come on out." Said Jack

I ran the Pokemon through my pokedex.

"Mankey, a Pig Monkey Pokemon of the Fighting type. Known for its superior footwork, it packs a powerful punch."

It seemed like a nice Pokemon but why did it have to attack us.

Ekans used poison string, that move had poisoned the Pokemon. Jack wanted to finish this battle quick.
He was in the middle of telling Ekans what move to use next but the Mankey came back with low kick. It wasn't effective.

Ekans used tackle then bite, it completely knocked out Mankey.

Jack wasn't going to catch because he was in such a bad mood but after Lois managed to persuade him. Jack eventually caught the Mankey.

Everyone was done focussing on the battle we didn't see that Jordy had gone missing.

"Jordy!" I shouted.

We were desperately trying to find her.

Out of the blue, we saw her in the distance by the underground path talking to some guy that works there.

"Kieran? Kieran? You okay you seem a bit angry that Jordy is talking to other guy." Said Jack.

"What? No? That stupid Pokemon broke my toe." I said.

I took my right sock and shoe of to show how my big toe was looking. It was bending to the left side backwards. I felt sick, Jack had to ride the bike for us because I can't do anything.

We had to rushed to vermilion city through route 6, where Jordy got distracted by a Weedle. She was so in love with the Pokemon.

"Hey guys I will meet you at the Pokemon centre in a bit. I'm going to catch this Weedle." She said.

We had arrived at the Pokemon centre in vermilion city, where I was attended to by Nurse Joy.

"Oh my gosh. What happened?" Nurse Joy asked.

I had explained what had happened we the encountered Pokemon that Jack had caught after battling it.

I was carried away on a stretcher.

Another point of view:

"I hope Kieran is going to be okay?" Asked Lois.

"Kieran will be fine. I know of it." Said Jack.

They both hugged but it was an intense hug because they didn't want to let go if each other.

Back to Kieran's point of view:

I was sitting on the bed, waiting for Nurse Joy to come back with my results.

"Hey Kieran your results are back. You didn't break your toe did you?" She asked.

"No I'm sorry." I said.

I explained to Nurse Joy the problems I was facing and how my toe could do that. Just encased you didn't know I'm  double-jointed.

I got of the bed and walked out to my friends. I saw that Jordy returned.

"Kieran? Why you out of your bed?" Asked Jordy.

"There was no break in my toe. Thank God." I said.

"That's great news." Jordy said.

I nodded and, then I asked Jordy about her encounter with the wild Weedle.

"I didn't catch it." She said.

She seemed very upset but I didn't know what to do.

I just gave her a hug and said "There is a next time."

We both stopped hugging and smiled.

I rang my mum to ask her if she and dad was willing to look after my Pokemon encase I ever did catch to many. I explained to her how many Pokemon I have encounter, how many I have, and she even asked about my friend's Pokemon. I told her I was on my third gym badge, she couldn't believe how quickly it has taken me

After the chat with my mum, I looked outside and saw how dark it was. We was spending another night in the Pokemon centre and guess who joined me in my bedroom.

It was Jack, my brother from other mother. He is going to be staying in my bed while I am going to be on the sofa. Again.

I went to Lois to say goodnight but she was already a sleep. I go to Jordy room to check on her and she was talking to her mother, so I left quickly and quietly.

I returned to my room to hear Jack snoring loudly.

"This is going to be a long night." I said to myself.

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