My Journey begins.

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"Hey there my name is Kieran, I want to become a Pokemon master just like Ash Ketchum."

It was the day I was going to become a Pokemon trainer.

I ran down stair to my mum, who was on the phone to Professor Oak. She got off the phone she sat me down to have a conversation.

“Kieran, Professor Oak is ready for you to come and pick your first Pokemon. I was ready for this day to come for a very long time, so I got you new clothes, a nice bag, some Pokemon food and lots of money along with pokeballs. I know you will catch lots of different Pokemon to add to my collection. You know if I was younger I would travel the regions to find new Pokemon, but I'm old and I just want rest with your dad. By the way, your dad said good luck, he hopes to see you soon.”

I take the new clothes and put it on, wow I thought, I look good. As I was putting on my red and light blue hat there was a knock at the door. It was Jack, his mum, Jordy, her mum, Louis and her granddad.

“Kieran, you ready ?” Jack asked.

I reply with a simple nod and look at my mother. We both left the house with smiles as we headed towards Professor Oak's lab.

We arrived at the lab, where we were assisted by one of the Professors that works with Professor Oak.

“Welcome to Professor Oak's lab, today marks the beginning of a journey for you and your chosen Pokemon. If you would like to follow me we will go and see Professor Oak.”

We all headed to the Pokemon area, it was so cool there were so many Pokemon's I couldn't believe how much I was enjoying it, I am becoming a trainer and a career for my own Pokemon. I just had the biggest smile ever.

“Hello and welcome to my lab and to the Pokemon area, I'm Professor Oak, today you lot will start your journey so please look around and find a Pokemon you would like as your starter.”

Everyone started walking around to find their starter. I was looking with my mum but none of them stood out until I saw out of the window to see a Charmander being attacked by a group of mean people.

I left my mum and ran outside to protect the defenseless Pokemon. I rushed to cover the Pokemon to protect it from getting hurt even more. They didn't stop until we were saved by Jack with his Bulbasaur.

The group ran away leaving nothing but a hurt Charmander and Me with serve cuts all over my back. I got up and looked into his eyes, before rushing it inside to be checked by one of the doctors in the lab.

10 minutes later the Pokemon comes out running into my arms.

“I think he likes you.” Said Professor Oak.

I looked at Charmander and looked at the Professor than to my mum.

“Professor, I would like Charmander to be my starter Pokemon please.”

“You made a great choice. Now let's go and get everything you need for this journey.” Said the Professor.

We go to another room, where four professors was waiting for us with gifts.

“Please go to one of my professors and take the gifts (Jack, Kieran, Jordy and Lois all stepped forward taking the gifts from the professors in front of them.) In the gifts you with find a Pokedex, gym badge box, a diary, a travel map, Pokewatch and different types of pokeballs as well as your starter Pokemon ball.”

I put all my stuff into my bag, I looked over to my friend's Pokemon. Jack has a Bulbasaur, Jordy has a Squirtle and Lois has an Eevee.

We all headed out of the lab, parting ways with the professors and our family.

“The journey begin here guys how are you all feeling.” Asked Jack.

“I'm super excited for the journey I get to spend time with my friends and my Pokemon.” Said Jordy.

“Same.” Said Lois.

I just nodded as I looked at my Charmander pokeball.

“We are going to be as strong as Ash Ketchum.” I said to myself.

We go to route one where Jordy finds a Pokemon, she gets her Pokedex out and scans the Pokemon. We all follow her to register the Pokemon.

“Spearow, the normal/flying type Pokemon. It Eats bugs in grassy areas and has to flap its short wings at high speed to stay airborne.”

Jordy sends out her Squirtle.

“Squirtle use tackle on Spearow.” Said Jordy it was a crucial hit but not enough to knock Spearow out.

Spearow comes back with an attack of its own using gust. It sends Squirtle crushing into a tree.

Jordy is trying to encourage Squirtle to get up. Which it does after a couple of minutes but was knocked back down after Spearow attacked it with tackle.

I looked to my left to see another Pokemon, I registered it in my Pokedex.

“Pidgey, the normal/flying type Pokemon. Among all the flying Pokemon, it is the gentlest and easiest to capture. A perfect target for the beginning Pokemon trainer to test his Pokemon's skills.”

“Just what I need.” I said to myself.

I walk away from Jordy's battle to pursue my own battle with a Pidgey.

I send out my Charmander, before I proceeded with any attack I checked out the moves of both Pokemon.


Sand attack

This Pidgey is strong looking at his move set. I knew I was at a disadvantage, but I was not prepared to lose this battle.

I attacked first using growl to lower the opposite attack. The Pidgey than attacked Charmander with a tackle which was still strong.

I use a combination of growl and scratch twice using it as my advantage point in the battle leaving me with an opening to use a pokeball. I threw the pokeball at the weaken Pidgey to my surprise I caught the Pidgey.

As soon as, my battle was over I turned around to see that Jordy was still in a battle with the Spearow. Walking, over to Jordy to tell her to use a combination move of tail whip and tackle to her surprise it knocked out the Spearow leaving Jordy the chance to capture it with a pokeball.

Jordy caught a Spearow, everyone was happy.

Jack tells everyone about my battle to which I didn't know anyone was watching me.

I sent out my Pidgey to show everyone but it was scared of Squirtle, which is something I never seen before.
I returned it back to its pokeball and headed to a Pokemon center to get health for my Pokemon's and Jordy's Pokemon's.

We need to go to a hotel to stay for the night and to be ready for the next day

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