Chapter 14 - President

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"Izaya!" It was too late, the ball smacked the boy on the forehead so hard he fell backwards, his behind hitting a rock in which the small child winced. The sound of feet running stopped before the child who was looking down at the ground as he waited for the world to stop spinning. Two pairs of hands hauled the boy up from the arms forcefully, causing the boy to groan in slight pain.

A face decorated with glasses envases his swimming vision, before it was pushed away harshly by the cheek with a slim hand. Red hair then took over his vision, the sharp features of the girl with worried eyes the only thing the raven could see coherently.

"Ya broke him, ya retard."

"Should I take 'im to my father?"

"No. 'Eave him on the cliff- ay of course take him to yer father! Is ya thick?" The female delivered a hit upside the head to the bespectacled kid who yelped as he lurched foreword. Hands catching on the soaked dirt, the male scrambled up while pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose as they started to slide foreword and off his face.

Without a warning, Izaya was pulled towards the street. He was still trying to slow his spinning head, while being dragged to what Izaya could guess would be Shingen's Clinic.

The air was stale and death mingled in it, one could taste it. That was how the raven knew when they arrived to the crazed man's building that was located more towards the center of town.

There were people in cots separated by curtains. Blood stained the mattresses and coverings, either form the current patient or from one treated years ago. Izaya was hauled onto the cot in the back, the only one left unoccupied. It hadn't taken that long for the weird doctor to come in search for his son. The voice of Emilia - Shinra's caucasian step-mother - flooded a section of the building, the coughing of a patient growing violent.

As Shingen passed through the curtain, the odd appearance of the middle aged man made the hairs on the raven's arms raise. The male's lower face was covered by a black fabric, an eyepatch on his right eye under tinted glasses that surrounded his head. His brown shaggy hair topped it all off, matching his son's which was better maintained. No doubt from his mother.

"What happened? Did Orihara-kun fall into the ocean again?" Shingen always made it his job to make fun of that one time Izaya had fallen off the cliff while the three friends had gone cliff diving once.

"No. We-"

"Shinra kicked the ball too hard and hit Izaya in the face and ya think he lost his brain?" The red head asked as she crossed her arms over her developing chest, a glare thrown over at the wannabe doctor next to her.

Shingen only laughed, but nodded.

"Izaya will be fine."

It was high tide, the waves rocking the ship significantly. Shizuo was currently trying to draw in his notebook that had been ruined by the saltwater after the explosion on the Royal Navy ship. He let his hands do whatever, the outcome was a half drawn cat that sat on the flag that belonged to the castle. Shizuo didn't know why he had drawn that, it was a horrible drawing, something that signifies treason and it would have been ripped out if the cat that was so fond of startling Shizuo came out from hiding. The notebook was slammed shut and thrown to the end of the bed, resulting in the cat jumping at the sudden rapid movement. It meowed and rushed out of the room, it's tail high and wrapping around the doorframe as it turned.

These thoughts, these dreams.

Shizuo couldn't make any sense is what was going on. He knew he was shutting himself from social contact but at this point the blond didn't care. It was unhealthy for him and it was affecting his mood significantly. He has been antsy the past few days and got angered much easier than usual.

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