Chapter 3 - Black Thin Covering

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Sweat rolled down tanned skin, heavy breathing heard from every direction, while others groaned and moaned. There were voices shouting commands, and shoes against dirt and sediment flying around were the main sounds in the air came from. Occasionally, the sound of a body hitting the floor would sound, but not as often as someone groaning at a painful kick.

Men were practicing hand on hand combat, in case of their weapons were out of reach. These men who were shouting, groaning, growing, and moaning were from the Royal Guard, and it was their early morning practice. It was around five about now, the sun still not peaking it's way over the buildings and houses of the town, so the lanterns on the wall were the only sources of light. Shadows were casted everywhere, as they were long and dark, but they weren't eerie to the eyes. These men were sweating profusely, as the drops of condensed heat would collect at the eyebrow or at the sharp jawlines of the males, and would fall unceremoniously to the dirt below. Many of the men had taken off their shirts, as they would stick to their sweaty bodies, and they would sometimes get in the way when doing certain moves. Despite all of this, non of the men were complaining of hunger, exhaustion, or thirst. They all were accustomed to it now. Sure, maybe the first few days it was harsh for them, an hour and a half of practice before they would go out on patrol, depending on one's working station that day, but now it was second nature to them. It could be worse.

Shizuo was easily beating all the partners he fought with, he didn't even need to bat an eyelash at this. It wasn't a surprise, and it no longer was for the officers either. Word around camp of the male spread quickly about his inhuman strength, and even though it was anticipated, no one picked a fight with the blond. It was weird to say in the least for the young male, but he too got accustomed to that as well. As for the officers, mainly talked amongst themselves about the strength, and many talked about raising his rank due to such power, but for the moment, Shizuo was left alone, and he actually found peace in this new home.

For the last fifteen minutes of practice, everyone was sword fighting, so no longer was it just the noises from before, but the sharp sound of blade against blade, steel against steel, silver against silver. Those minutes passed by rather quickly, and the men were going back to the barracks, and then go to the public baths. That was quick as well, and all the males were in their standard uniform once more, getting ready for a long day. Those who patrolled the night would walk in and sleep, while the others would walk out and get breakfast. It was loud in the mess hall as always, but there was some form of organization. Today was exceptional. A squad that had gone on an expedition three months ago was coming back, and they had started to arrive the same moment night patrols were coming in. It was crowded to say in the least.

The blond sat on a wooden table around the middle of the mess hall, so the buzz was coming from every direction. He stared off into space as he worked on his breakfast, and he flinched when Kadota took a seat next to him. He seemed to be sweating just by getting food.

"This place is really som'thin' today." Kadota groaned, and he too started scarfing down his breakfast, hunger evident in the way he was eating that morning. It was silent for a while between them, but that was alright. It was comfortable, and it was nice to relax after their daily intense practice every morning.

It's hard to believe they've been there for a month already.

When they first arrived, it was pure excitement, as they were in a new environment. New faces, which lead to new friends. New barracks where they would horseplay just as much around inside. Practice early in the morning was hard for them, but they knew it was important. Lastly, most of the men in their squad were back in or close to their home, no longer on an island that only held trainees. Men in their squad acted like they haven't seen woman in ages, although their cook was a pretty young lady back in Sado, and the occasional, rare sight, of a woman helping in a gunboat or schooner. They were practically strangers to this mainland of Japan.

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