Chapter 10 - Asesino

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Izaya tilted his head to the side, his eye sparking with mischievous, his legs kicking out to make himself more comfortable in the chair he was sitting in. It was obvious he was waiting for details, so Kida sighed taking off the hat on his head to place it on his lap, playing with the feathers.

"They aren't that far from here, at least 10 leagues from here. Not even in the Saga province. Both are separated by a league and a half away from each other - east and west. Situated in a series of buildings in a full area. They may not be well guarded, but there could be many witnesses when... you do what you need to do." The sentence cut off hang in the air between them all, the only sound as the wind, waves, and Izaya's soft hum of acknowledging the information.

The silver bands on his index fingers tapped against the wood softly, his eyes showing that he was thinking as he continued to lightly tap, as if processing and digesting the information further. He lifted his head along with his right hand, bringing his thumb to his lips as if he were biting his nails through his black glove gently. Eyes focused elsewhere, he kicked up and off the seat that he had been siting on while pushing it in to its respectable table. Shoving his hand into his coat, he retrieved a bag of what was probably money and threw it over at Kida, who in turn threw Orihara back his hat and caught his prize, gripping it firmly in his hand with a toothy grin. The atmosphere in the room has changed dramatically. Patting his hair down, Izaya put his hat back on before he popped his back, his arms over his head as he yawned.

"Thank you Kida. Next time I'll see you, we'll discuss the next order of business." The words were sly, as the raven turned slowly on his heel and walked out, his hands digging into the pockets of his pants, his head ducked from sight as a cruel grin started to form on his pretty little face.


The steps of someone running up behind him slowed as they got closer, but the raven didn't stop as he walked. It wasn't hard to guess who it was. He had heavy steps.

"Oi! What now? Don't just walk off on me." The voice was exasperated, growling even. He didn't get a response until they were farther inland, in a more secluded area. The smell of salt was no longer in the air, and the breeze was about cooler, nor did the sun beat down as harsh. It was calmer.

Stoping in his tracks, Izaya turned to look over at the blond who was a head taller than him, something in his hand for the other as he shoved it into his chest.

"Take this. Follow the map. There should be a marked path already since where you need to go is a familiar area. There, you must stay in the small tavern by a building that is sand colored. It should be heavily guarded, so do not, and I mean not, to try and get in yourself. Go incognito, so do not wear anything that resembles the RG. Understood?" Izaya's gaze was fierce as he started up into the mocha eyes that were looking down at him. "I have to go do something first, so I'll be there about an hour after you arrive. If I don't stay there for the night."

The small satchel of coins weighed in Shizuo's hand, the map light in contrast to the brown bag.

"Around this corner, is a man who owes me a favor, so tell him you are with me and you are in need of a horse. He will simply give it to you without verification because that he is a fool. Do not question it."

Izaya sighed after, throwing a look over his shoulder, as if he felt eyes on his back.

"If anyone follows you, have my permission to smack the brains out of em heads."

Shizuo stood motionless before he realized what was going on, and jogged up to Izaya before he disappeared from his sight.

"Do you even realize what you are asking of me? That's too much. I don't even like you, and you are asking me to ride all the way into some town I had no idea existed and wait for you and while I do nothing? My ass. I don't even know what you want me to do." Shizuo was trying to keep his frustration on the low level.

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