Chapter 12 - Tis the Beginning of the End

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There was heavy splashing, loud gasps for air as the water pushed him back and forth, the shore not too far. He was almost there, but with the waves continuing to push him under the water, his air was dangerously low. Coughing, water entered through his mouth, panic entering the dark haired male, wondering if he would make it to the shore. As soon as he resurfaced, Nakura could stand and from there he ran to the shore until he fell from his weak legs giving up under him. His chest hit the ground hard, but that didn't stop the greedy gasps of air he was taking to sooth his racing heart. Getting on all fours, the privateer coughed up all the water that had entered his lungs, the salt water burning his throat as he breathed in through his mouth. His dark hair was plastered to his face, his eyes narrowed to the wet sand before him, soaked thouroughly through. The rain still came down, the coolness of the water almost as cold as the ocean's, further freezing the young male.

Turning over onto his back, Nakura spread his arms out to his sides, his face up to the crying sky.

He needed to learn how to swim properly.

Nakura wondered just how long it would take for the male to realize that he wasn't on bored anymore, and how much longer to realize he had stolen a page that was much to his interest. He certainly wouldn't fancy that. Would he come looking for him though? He surely couldn't care that much to go looking for a lost crew member, someone who could already be headed towards Davy Jones Locker.

Water collected on his lashes as he slowly opened them, the water falling into his eyes now. Nothing could compare to the burning in his throat at the moment.

If the skin had done its job, the page should be dry, if only a little water entered. All he needed was the writing to be legible so it could be transferred onto his own book back at home.

He would kill them all.

A sudden loud gasp came from his lips, coughs following closely after, his bare hand coming up to rub at his chest in an attempt to sooth himself.

Kicking off the sand as best as he could on his shaking legs, Nakura looked at the forest that met the sand, knowing that if he wanted to get off this place and get home as soon as he could he would have to find a way there. His grip on the slippery rock next to him loosened as he gave a step forward, his legs shaking.

Whatever this place was, he really hoped that it's inhabitants would be kind enough to help a twisted soul like him.

Shizuo felt warmth all over, especially on his chest. With his shirt and shoes off, Shizuo was comfortable on the hay bed, his limbs spread all over. The coverings of the bed were tied around his legs, his arms bare to the sun that entered through the window next to his bed, the warmth on his chest moving. Not only did it moved, but it purred. Immediately opening his eyes, Shizuo glanced down at his bare chest to find a little bundle of black sleek fur on his abdomen absorbing the suns rays from the window, receiving warmth from two sources. Looking over at the open doorway of his quarters, Shizuo could see a few crew members sitting by the barrels talking to each other while one pealed an apple, lost in their own little world.

The blond was hungry, having not eaten the day before, but it pained him to remove the sleeping cat from its comfort. He didn't have to worry much longer as he was reaching to grab the blanket yellow eyes opened to stare at him, the purring continuing as it removed itself from him to stretch before running out of the room with its tail up high. Watching the tail disappear from the doorway, the blond slowly sat up, a hand coming to run up at his eyes and comb what he could of his hair. Thinking of this, the blond decided that he would have a clean that day, and get new clothes would also be nice. Reaching forward to grab the shirt that he had dropped on the floor the night before due to his exhaustion, he pulled it over his head and reached for his belt to hold up his breeches once he had put on his boots.

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