Chapter 13 - Two sides of the same coin

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Shinju's cold stare was what plagued the blond's mind after he went up to talk to Izaya in low voices, no doubt about him. Even if he was at the back of the group, he still felt eyes piercing through his clothes, on his shoulders and lower back.

Especially at his nape.

Yet, every time he looked over his shoulder behind him, there was no one else but commoners that wouldn't have interest in him. The only thing that became more apparent as the farther they went inland was noise.

Noise everywhere. At one point he heard a gunshot in the distance before it echoed off into nothing. It wasn't the noise of a crowd. Oh no, it was the noise of a fight between groups. The following gunshot after only proved Shizuo's theory as they halted under a shelter where they tied up their rides before they took a back street. It was at one point when Izaya left the group behind to advance, his steps quiet as he leaned foreword to stealthily make his way between two buildings did Shizuo actually see the damage of a bullet. It fired past Izaya to hit the wooden foundation of a house behind the raven, the wood splintering and flying as the bullet came into contact.

Izaya just whistled as he eyes the splintered wood before he turned around to continue making his way to his destination. He made himself flat upon a wall before looking down the alleyway he was next to, then proceded to disappear. He came back a minute later, his way towards them much quicker than when he was moving away from them. Once he was close enough he stood up properly just glancing once behind his shoulder to make sure they were alone.

"Nasty out there. The RG are losing, only have a few men left as expected. They have been fighting non stop for days." The dread had already pooled in Shizuo stomach even before Izaya's vermilion eyes landed on him. He said nothing as his eyes glided onto the others faces.

"Do what I told you to do, I have this place covered. I want reports by the end of the three days, tomorrow if possible." Shinju sneered as he sat on a tipped over barrel.

"And leave you with this disgusting, loyal, piece of-"

"Enough, Shinju." The tone was firm, unlike anything the blond has heard from the male for the time he has been with him. "I do not pick fights I cannon finish. I'll be alright." This only caused the brunette to growl and kick off to disappear around the corner of the building not to far away from them.

"Acts like a child." Kine said before he too disappeared. A firm glance at the knocked up trio, they left as well, only through a different area. Namie followed almost close behind. Mikage clasped a hand on Izaya's shoulder, a look with something almost close to longing before she silently stood up and walked after the icy woman. The only sound moments later were the sounds of horse hooves on the cobblestone below them and the gunshots from a few yards away.

Izaya's gaze returned to the blond once more, and Shizuo immediately knew he would rather hang himself than do what the flea was about to ask.

"I know you will not aid me in my task now, so all I ask for you is to wait at the mouth of the main way down this alleyway. If there were a chance one of your mates tries to escape, just knock him out, I'll use my blade to end." Swallowing hard, the only thing the blond could do was nod, before his hand tightened around the corner of a building. Although all his joints in his body were locked and protesting, he stood up from his crouching position, feeling that sensation once more of something being lodged in his throat.

'At least he didn't ask you to kill. At least he didn't ask you to kill.' Was what repeated in the blond's head as he stood up on shaky legs, his eyes dry and stinging.

He watched as Izaya slipped off his red jacket, and handed it to Shizuo's waiting hand along with his hat.

Once that was done, Izaya turned to the building next to them and ran up the wall, his gloved hands catching on the ledge of a wooden beam poking out from the side. Placing his foot on the wall, he pushed up to jump to grab onto the window above. From there he swung his legs to the side and got onto the roof with no problem. When the raven didn't come back Shizuo then turned on his heel to what he was told to do, albeit very, very, reluctantly.

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