Chapter 8 - The Coward

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"Shizuo, it's okay. If you want to be a Royal Guard, then that's fine. I support you whole heartedly. I want you to be happy. Your father... just had issues with the General there. It's okay, alright?"

Absolutely nothing.

"I know that you want to give back to the town that has given you so much, so you having a strong sense to protect it is alright. I also know that you want to do something good with that strength of yours."

No noise, no movement. No nothing.

"You'll be the perfect role model for your brother."

Wait. There are sounds of waves. Low noises in the distant that are... muffled?

"So brave, my baby."

Fire crackling? What's going on?

"Better close that mouth of yours before a fly flies in it."

Birds? No.

"You have to have a strong position, and thrust! This is a basic move to use with these kind of blades, due to their thickness."

There's pain. He feels pain in his chest.

"It's nice to meet you."

He can't breath.


He can't breath!

Mocha orbs opened to see an endless expanse of blue, sand on the bottom with reefs and fish. His lungs ached for air. Looking up at the surface, he was ever grateful that it was very close. Panicking, Shizuo swam up with all the strength he had currently, warm air slapping his wet face when he broke the surface.

He gulped hair greedily, never enough. He swam in place as he breathed, calming his heart and the aching in his chest. Calming down was quicker then he though, because before he knew it, he was looking around him. At the damage that surrounded him. There was fire, pieces of wood, sometimes large chunks, a small chunk of sail. There even were some bodies littering the area as well, that didn't sit well in the blond's stomach, because it wasn't just pirates, but people he had been working the deck with. People he left Niigata with. Even with the ache in his heart now, Shizuo swam to land, completely exhausted.

Warmth, waves softly grazing his boots, the sun. That was all that purchased in the blond's mind once he was able to rest there. The peace didn't last long.

"Hah. Was it rough on you too?" The voice rang out, not too far away from him.

Forcing his eyes opened, Shizuo saw Orihara a fathom away from where he was, on his side on the sand, eyes half lidded, obviously tired. When their eyes came to contact, the smirk widened. Pushing up off the ground, Orihara patted himself down as good as he could, before languidly stretching, moaning when his back popped, then proceeded with his neck, also giving satisfying pops.

"Mmm..." He stood there in the sun, looking out at the water, giving the damage a look over once more, his hand going up to push his wet bangs off his face to ring them as good as he could. "That's the first and last time I'll ever allow Earthworm to capture me..." the words were soft, not meant to be heard by the blond laying on the beach six feet away from him.

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