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Alexandra's POV

The rest of the week passed by in a blur of tests, mom duties, London's side eye's and a very pleasant swim meet

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The rest of the week passed by in a blur of tests, mom duties, London's side eye's and a very pleasant swim meet. Making the team gave me a sense of purpose in this town and I wasn't ready to let go too easily of it now.

Right now, the only thing on my mind was preparing Sarah and Frankie's play date. I was still not too keen on the idea of Sarah taking my child out for an entire day, but Evan was persistent and I couldn't allow him to find out about my situation.

Sarah made it her mission to reassure me countless times and even got Frankie to use her puppy dog eyes on me.

Sarah places her hand on mine, as though reassuring me, "She'll be fine Alex. If she needs anything I'll be sure to call you, okay? But I doubt anything will happen. And you get to get out of the house and live your life. Like a teenager." Her large smile and optimism made it so easy to trust her.

I looked to the ceiling as though asking our so-called God for help. An exasperated sigh escaped my lips as I lowered my head," Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Go on then. Have a good day and take lots of pictures for me to see later."

An excited squeal reached my ears and soon I was engulfed in a large hug.

Frankie ran up to greet me before exiting the door, behind Sarah.

I was left in silence. Not deafening but peaceful.

I sat down at one of the bar stools at the kitchen counter and checked if I have any messages from the Evan, the annoyance.

Evan : I'll be there in 20. Meet me outside, yeah? Oh, and wear something comfortable. ;)

Something comfortable? What on earth did Evan Russo have up his sleeve?

It didn't take me very long to change from my cozy and warm pajamas into a dark wash pair of jeans, plain black t-shirt, a black bomber jacket and a pair of heeled black boots. He said comfortable, not unfashionable.

With dread in my heart, I walked out the front door, locking it behind me. I  could hear pleasant and distant giggles from the apartment next door. I couldn't help but feel a faint smile growing on my face. I loved knowing that my baby was happy.

Pushing all thoughts of Frankie out of my head, I walked down to meet Evan in the parking lot. And low and behold, there he was, lazily sprawled across the hood a sleek black Maserati and his arms across his chest. How rich was this boy?

He must've heard me descending the stairs from my apartment because he quickly perked up. He shot me his award winning smile, his dimples being as prominent as ever. His eyes slowly grazed over my appearance, taking in every curve.

Surprisingly I found comfort in his analysing. I cleared my throat to get his attention.

"See something you like, Russo?" I kept my face emotionless but my voice playful.

A hearty laugh erupted from his throat but ignored my comment, "You do know I said comfortable, right?" he raised a single eyebrow, still not moving from the hood of his car.

I looked down to inspect my outfit, "Yeah."

"Then why are you wearing heels, Alex?" his tone kittenish.

I looked down to my boot clad feet. They were just ask comfortable as flat shoes. Just cuter.

I looked up to meet his eyes, "First of all, they're booties and second, they're comfortable. You said comfortable and I'm feeling very comfortable." I ended with my arms crossed over my chest.

His smile only expands, showing off his dimples in either cheek. "Whatever sugar. You ready to go?" he says running over to get the car door for me.

I walk cautiously over to the car door and sit down inside the car door. Evan shuts the door behind me and runs over to his side.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I whisper.



Welcome back. Ha ha.

Be kind & love one another,
- Dré

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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