The Letter

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Dear Alexandra,

My angel, if you're reading this, then the cancer has finally consumed me. I'm so sorry to be leaving you at a time like this,  I wish I could go back an do everything different.

Alex, what you're about to read can only be shared between you and your brother. I'm afraid your sister has become just like your dad. I tried so hard to get through to her but she refused to hear me out.

You need to leave. I'm afraid of what your father is capable of now that I'm gone and you now not only have yourself to fight for, but also a little one.

Be the best mother you can possibly be for her, Alex. Love her and care for her. I left you some money so that you could get by. It should be abe to cover housing, food and clothing, education and other necessities for the next 5 - 7 years, depending on how you use it. If there isn't enough, I've hidden exactly $540 000 under the loose floorboard in your room. Take that with you

Please go sooner rather than later.

I love you and Toby more than words can desribe. Please take care of eachother, you're all eachother have left.

Stay away from your dad and that horrid man, Anthony.

And please Alex, don't do anything stupid.

Till we meet again

Love, Grandmother.

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