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Evan's POV

I needed to figure out what we were doing on Saturday and I needed to figure it out quickly

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I needed to figure out what we were doing on Saturday and I needed to figure it out quickly.

So, maybe, lying to Alex about having plans with the group on Saturday wasn't the best strategy but it did work...sort of. My point is, at least she was somewhat onboard with the prospect of hanging out with us. Maybe the push I gave her was unnecessary but it was time that she'd taken the leap of faith. It was time she found some friends. And by friends, I mean us. Leah, Luke, Cayla, basically, the whole shebang.

My phone chimed on the bedside table. I shifted over my Egyptian silk bed covers and reached out for my phone.

The name read : Chad.

"Hey Chad." I sighed into the phone.

He laughed, "That bad? What did you do?" I could just picture him shaking his head sympathetically at me.

After forcing Alex to go on a nonexistent group excursion, I had to get a plan concocting. Chad was the guy that could make that happen.

"You have no idea. I have a favour to ask." My hand slid its way across my face where it came to rest on my chest, between my pectorals. I crossed my sock clad feet over each other and sunk into the mattress.

"Uh, shoot." I heard tiny giggles through the receiver. Chad was definitely a doting dad.

"So, how would your dad like to have us at the farm this weekend?" My voice was laced with underlying mischief.

When you live in the middle of nowhere you learn to keep yourself entertained. Growing up, we'd always get together at Chad's dad's farm and get up to things we weren't supposed to. Since then, it had just become a tradition. And of course it helped that Chad's dad was the only coolest guy in this town.

"Since when have you ever needed permission to wreck havoc on the farm, Evan? What is this about?" I can hear the laughter attached to his voice.

"Okay, so, I was thinking that we should gather everyone up for a bit of an initiation for Alex. That's all. I figured she needed friends."

"Are you fucking serious? She will destroy you. I'm willing to bet $100 she'll beat all of us. She's not like other girls." He argues.

It's my turn to chuckle, "Well, you better kiss that $100 goodbye. I know she isn't like the others, but I do know that she won't be able to handle what we have in store for her on Saturday."

Chad's sing-song voice rings through the receiver, "I'm not so sure about that."

"Anyway, we'll talk at conditioning tomorrow?"

Swimmers and football players always shared their gym time. Sometimes the occasional normal school-goer would attempt to join us in the gym but they were usually scared off because they weren't able to keep up. Amateurs.

He's quiet for a moment, probably gushing over his daughter, but finally responds distractedly, "Yeah, yeah, I'll be there. Later dude."


Okay, so maybe this entire little idea I had may not end up being a complete disaster.

I closed my eyes for a few moments before there's a soft knock at my door.

A grunt left my lips, giving the person on the other side of the door permission to enter.

"Mr Russo." He addresses.

Our very loyal and dedicated butler, Lionel, was a very well built, but greying man. He had been working for my family for 20 years and played a big part in my life, without him even knowing it. Everything about being a man, I learnt from him. From shaving to speaking to girls. He was more of a father to me than my actual father.

I smiled, my eyes still closed, "Lionel, how many times have I told you to address me by my first name as I do to you? It's just Evan."

I finally opened my eyes to meet his dull crystal ones.

He failed to conceal his small smile, "Right. Evan." I fluffed out the pillows behind me, in order to elevate my head, "I have been informed that your father will be joining you for supper tonight and your step-mother would like for you to wash up before dinner."

The smile on my lips immediately dropped to the ground. Wasn't he supposed to be closing off a deal in Japan? Why couldn't he stay there?

"I'm so over having to pretend that we're the perfect family all the time." I said, running my hands through my messy, overgrown hair. "I'll be down soon, Lionel. Thank you."

With a nod of his head, he took his leave.

I took this time to wash up before dinner. I took a quick shower, remembering to wash my hair, and changed into a plain t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

I just exited my bedroom when the amazing cuisine being prepared in the kitchen hit my nostrils in the most delightful way. Clearly, Chef Gordo was cooking up a storm tonight.

After descending the stairs and making my way to our overly pretentious dining room, I sat down in my normal seat. To the right of the head of the table. To the right of my dad.

My little sister Mia was next to join me, escorted by her nanny, Sabrina.

"Hey squirt," I said, while ruffling up her hair.

"Evan!" She whined, while swatting my hands away from her head.

I quickly stood up and allowed her to climb onto the chair beside me. With my help, of course. I pulled out Sabrina's seat too, to which she kissed both of my cheeks. A French thing, I guess.

My stepmother, Athena, was next to join us. Again, I repeated with her what I did with Mia. I stood up and pulled out her chair before sitting down, once again.

Unlike most step-parent relationships, Athena and I were actually quite close. Since making the awful mistake of marrying my father 12 years ago, she did everything in her power to be the best motherly figure she could be for Sarah and I, without trying to replace our real mother. She'd be pleased to know that she succeeded.

We continued to have small talk around the table. Talking about school and Mia's new best friend, Frankie, I believe. 'Odd name' I couldn't help but think.

Our laughter and joy was interrupted by an ominous presence.

We were all quiet.

I couldn't help but recognise the similarities between the man that stood at the other end of the 18-seater dining room table and myself. His presence demanded the attention of innocent bystanders. He still stood in his black Armani suit, with his black crocodile-skin briefcase on hand. I hated everything about it. The icy-blue eyes, fair skin and although his hair was greying a bit at the roots, it still resembled the same chestnut colour. It even fell in the same way. It was hard to admit but we looked exactly alike. Aside from the obvious wrinkles  he sported, we could easily pass as brothers.

With square, tense shoulders and a set jaw, I finally broke the awkward silence that settled over us, "Hey dad."


Good Lord, there ya go kids.

I'm thinking about starting my second book project but I really don't want to open another door before closing this one. We'll figure it out.

Anyway, please don't forget to vote, comment and share with all of your friends.

I love you all very much.

Be kind & love each other

- Dré.

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