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Alexandra's POV

I just stood there

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I just stood there. Motionless with my mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

Watching Hannah cry over a toilet bowl was not what I expected to see.

She suddenly grabbed some toilet roll from the wall and began wiping around her mouth and cheeks, while picking herself up from the ground. She still hadn't noticed me standing there, staring at her in complete disbelief.

"Hannah." I finally managed to express softly.

She instantly froze in her spot. Her shoulders tense through her pink sweater.

"Oh my god. Babe, what are you doing?" I whispered.

In a blink of an eye she had turned completely and was facing me dead on. I couldn't help but notice the intense emotion swimming in the depths of her eyes. Pain and anger. They weren't meant to be directed at me, I know that, but I had caught her at her most vulnerable and she obviously hated that. I kept my expression steady. I didn't want to scare her off.

"Alex," she said, stepping closer. Her voice held no emotion, but her bloodshot eyes said it all, "You saw nothing, you hear me." She growled. Her jaw was tense and her shoulders were drawn.

It was now when I realized how thin she actually was. Her collar bones were peaking out from her sweater, I cold see her blue veins through her translucent skin and her the bags under her eyes were darker than mine. She stood there, her stoic expression matching mine. She was scared and I could understand that.

I frowned at her, "I have no clue what happened to you in your life and I have no intention prying into your business. If you tell me, that's on you. I just want you to know that, no matter what you tell me, I won't judge you. It's not my place to. I think you really need help, Hannah. Real help," I sighed and ran nervous hand through my hair. "Hannah, I need you to trust me and allow me to help you find the correct help you need."

She wrapped her arms around herself and I noticed her begin shivering. The creases on my forehead deepened.

She laughed hysterically until she was overcome with sadness once again. She was a mess, to put it lightly. Tears were streaming down her face and she covered her face with her hands to prevent me from seeing her despair.

With a sigh, I cautiously walked up to her and removed my sweater. The cold instantly hit through my flimsy black t-shirt. I quickly wrapped her in it and held onto her as tightly as I could.

Completely pushing away the anxiety I felt from the physical contact, I held onto her and didn't let go. She gripped onto my t-shirt tightly and just cried.

Her legs buckled beneath her, sending us both down to the bathroom floor.

She slowly began to calm down and her breathing slowed down rapidly.

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