Chapter 17

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A/N: Here is chapter 17! I hope that you enjoyed Chione's origin story. Who's origin story would you like to hear about next? Let me know and I will incorporate it into the chapter. I'll reveal the dress and accessories in the upcoming chapter. This book will have a bunch of bonus chapter because I probably won't be able to hit my 50K word goal.

Word count: 1955 of 50,000

Total word count: 34,223 of 50,000

There was a sense of nostalgia all over the academy. Jaden let out a groan, "I don't get why all the girls are so excited about this." He put up a poster that promoted the upcoming Winter Ball. Alexis replies, "Don't be such a downer, Jaden. This is the last dance before everyone graduates." Jaden said, "Hey Alexis, look." Alexis looks in the direction Jaden pointed. Alexis responds in a puzzled manner, "I don't understand why you're pointing at my brother." Jaden asked, "Isn't he going to the dance?" Alexis shrugs, "I have no idea."

Meanwhile, Atticus saw Alexis and Jaden putting up posters about the Winter Ball. His thoughts immediately went straight to you. He thought to himself, "This could be the perfect opportunity to ask her something important." He mumbles to himself, "I've got to ask Zane for advice or else I'll screw this up."

Elsewhere, you were walking around campus with Chione by your side. You said, "Remind me why you're with me, Chi. Rayla usually stays my side every time I leave my dorm." Chione replies, "I apologize, Y/N. Rayla asked me to go in her place. She wanted me to watch over you." You respond knowingly, "Rayla is worried, isn't she? She's done something like this before. When I was younger, she sent Crystalia in her place to protect me." You ask, "Is Rayla okay?" Chione replies, "Don't fret, my lady. Rayla is just fine." She adds, "She truly does care for you, my lady. Rayla is similar to you in many ways. She hides her emotions when she feels upset. Rayla genuinely loves you, Y/N." You reply, "Rayla doesn't know how much she really means to me. Rayla gives me advice when I truly need it. She...She guides me to places I never could imagine." Lyria appears beside Chione, "Y/N, Rayla wants you to come back to your dorm." Lyria adds, "She sounds quite excited when she told me to come get you. I think that she is planning something." You mentally exhale and head back to your dorm.

When you arrive at your dorm, you are greeted with a massive tornado of clothing. You ask, "Why does my room look like a passing storm?" You hear Aria scolding someone, "Rayla! Why must you make such a big mess?! We are searching for ONE thing!! Why must you make this room look like a disaster zone?!" Aria froze when she saw you. You cross your arms and say, "I'm not even going to ask." Rayla sheepishly smiles, "Oh hey Y/N..." You reply, "Don't "hey Y/N" me, Rayla. I want an explanation before I ask Aria to fight you." Rayla put her hands up defensively, "Calm down, Y/N! I didn't do this without a good reason! I just wanted to cheer you up!" You blink, "What?" Rayla replies, "You seemed distant lately and you never talk to me as much as you did before. You aren't acting like yourself. I really do love you, Y/N. You're my best friend and I don't want you to feel lonely. You aren't lonely anymore, you have all of us here to support you." She adds excitedly, "I heard that there's a ball coming up soon! I just had to take the initiative and search through your clothes." Aria facepalms, "Why didn't you ask Y/N before you turned her room into this mess? It would've made things easier if you just explained yourself and told her why you were doing it." You sigh, "Rayla, I know you mean well. Although Aria has a point. You can't just jump into things without thinking. You tell me that all the time during a lot of different situations. I really do appreciate what you're doing, Ray. Please be more mindful next time." You add quickly, "I'm not mad at you, Rayla. I'm just confused. You usually have some kind of plan in place if you are trying to surprise me." Rayla laughs, "You do have a point there, Y/N." Rayla jumps as if she had remembered something vital. Fae said, "'re going crazy again." Rayla ignores the fairy spirit, "I just remembered that there's a package on your desk from your parents." You were puzzled, "From Mom and Dad?" There on your desk was a somewhat large package along with two smaller packages. You were slightly puzzled about the sudden appearance of the packages. Rayla asked, "Aren't you going to open them?"  You hastily open them and see a letter from your parents.

Atticus Rhodes x Reader (NaNoWriMo 2017)Where stories live. Discover now