Chapter 6

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You wake up the next morning in a startled manner. You look around and sigh in relief. Izotz looks around, "Is Y/N okay?" Crystalia facepalms, "You've been sleeping this entire time and yet you haven't noticed that she is acting different." You shake your head and decide to ignore their banter. The only thing that you could think about was Atticus. Why? You weren't sure of that yourself.

The skies were depressed. Their hue cried out in sorrow and misery. It was a sign that something terrible was going to happen. You were skeptical about this day. Although it had only been two days since you had arrived, you felt like it had been longer. However, you also knew that there was a spirit that lingered around the academy. That particular spirit vowed to bring peril and misery to Duel Academy. You weren't sure why they were doing it. It was strange, it was almost as if the spirit was crying for help.

Meanwhile, Amun bowed to his master. He spoke with confidence, "Master Nightshroud, the girl has been avoiding my advances. I apologize for my disobedience, my lord." Nightshroud shakes his head, "Don't apologize. You are doing your best, Amun. Now, make sure that you get rid of that Rhodes being. He is interfering with my plan." Amun bows once more, "Yes, my lord."

You sigh when you see the crowded entrance. You mutter, "These girls are in his trap..." Izotz rolls his eyes, "He looks way too happy, Y/N. This guy's aura is making me sick." You add quietly, "I'm not convinced that this guy has any good inside of him. It's not just his personality that annoys me, it's the way he speaks too. He acts like he comes from royalty." Crystalia exhales, "I have a feeling that he's trying to get close to you for all the wrong reasons." Rayla and Izotz wear worried expressions. You reply, "I don't even want to know why you came to that conclusion, Crystalia." The Ice Crystal spirits look at each other before mentally agreeing on their conclusion.

Atticus's smile did not wear off since the interaction you both shared. Zane remarks, "You look like you're in high spirits." Atticus replies, "I am!" However, a large explosion interrupted their interaction. They both look at each other and head to the main entrance of the academy.

You cough when you find yourself at the centre of the explosion. You look around and see that your line of sight is blocked by a heavy onyx veil. Rayla coughs, "Y/N, this smoke is blocking everyone's line of sight." The veil suddenly vanished. Wynn spun her staff, "The perks of being a wind charmer are the best. This smoke was giving me a headache. Petit here got annoyed and blew it away with her wings." You sigh, "Thanks Wynn." Wynn salutes, "No problem!" Wynn adds, "I think that we should try and find the others." You nodded, "I was thinking the exact same thing. I have a feeling that Amun guy is behind this explosion." Crystalia said, "I'm going to see if there is anyone else around who can make sense of this mess." She vanishes as she finished speaking. You go off to find the others. You just hoped that someone didn't find them before you did.

Atticus coughs, "Zane? Where are ya, bro?" "Atticus?" Atticus said, "Jaden?" Jaden wheezed, "This smoke is not helping our case." Jaden said, "I heard the sound of the explosion so I decided to come check it out." Atticus groans, "Jaden, we should focus on finding someone else. I would prefer to find someone human and preferably someone who doesn't smell like they went through the sewer system." Jaden rolls his eyes and mutters, "Sewer system...this person smells like a dead spirit."

Alexis was puzzled. She looks around, "Where am I?  What happened to all of the girls?" She hid herself behind a nearby wall. She noticed that many of the girls wore dazed looks in their eyes. Alexis realized that many of her classmates also chanted, "Our sweet Amun! Please take us to a place of heavenly solitude." Alexis noticed one of the mind slaves coming in her direction. Alexis held her breath and watched as the mindless women walked to the other side of the building. She silently follows them while keeping her guard up. When Alexis stops, she finds herself near a large mansion-like building. She mumbles, "I smell trouble...."

Atticus Rhodes x Reader (NaNoWriMo 2017)Where stories live. Discover now