Chapter 3

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It's been a full day since you heard that voice. It was the voice that would forever haunt you. Since then, you couldn't help but think about the appearance of the creature. There was one other thing on your mind: Atticus Rhodes. You didn't know why he was there. That lingering feeling of his touch on your arm was still felt. You were confused about your own feelings. You didn't want to be...but you were.

You lay in your bed, unmoved by the constant lectures from Rayla and Merlia. Neva just watched as your eyes stayed glued to the off-white ceiling. You were feeling hesitant about coming. The pressure you felt back then could still be felt.


"You stupid girl! Come back here!" You were only two and a half. You had burst into tears when your supposed older sister had taken your foster mother's makeup. She had wrecked it and blamed it on you. You were running from her because you were afraid. You were afraid of the things that she might do to you. The voices of anger could still be heard as you hid underneath the bed. When she found you, you began to cower. You cried as the woman yelled at you. Your foster sibling only laughed as she watched you cry in misery. You were uncertain about what would happen to you next.

***A few years later***

You were placed back in the orphanage. You had no idea who your birth parents were and all of the kids avoided you. You cried and felt an invisible hand being placed on your shoulder. You were startled by the invisible touch. You see a beautiful beryl-haired woman look at you with her sympathetic crystalline orbs. She spoke gently, "It's okay, sweetie. Don't cry, you'll be okay." You ask, "W-Who are you?" She bows and replies, "I'm Rayla. Rayla the Ice Crystal Archer." You were amazed by how composed she was. She adds, "You're the only one who can see me. Don't tell anyone, okay?" She winks which causes you to giggle. Rayla smiles, "You finally smiled." You were about to reply when you saw one of the workers come in. Rayla put a finger to her lips, signalling you to stay quiet about her. You nodded and Rayla gives you a thumbs up.

You hide behind the worker's leg and hear her speak, "This is Y/N. She wasn't in the best home before so it might take her some time for her to open up to you." That's right. You didn't trust anyone. You lost that sense of trust and belonging when you were placed in your first foster home. The woman kneeled to your height and said, "Hi there." You were hesitant. She spoke once more, "It's okay, honey. I'm not going to hurt you. I want you to be happy, that's all." She put her hand out in front of you. The man who stood behind her watched silently. It was the man who finally broke the silence, "What's your favourite toy?" You held a stuffed animal and didn't speak. You hesitantly take her hand and hear her whisper gently, "It's alright. I won't rush you to trust us completely. Take your time and do what you feel is right."

A few days after the adoption, you stand in the entrance of your new home. Your eyes widen in amazement. You finally speak, "Wow!" You hear your new father chuckle, "It is quite magnificent." You sassily reply, "It's a castle! It's supposed to be like this!" He chuckles once more and pats your head. Your new mother chimes in, "You're right, Y/N. This isn't a house, it's your home now. You live in a beautiful castle that will guard you from all the horrible people in the world."

Two days later, you hear your mother call out to you. You trot down the stairs and see two boys. One had dark navy hair and the other had a baby blue hue. They held each other's hand as they both look at you. Rayla finally stood beside you, "You can trust them. They aren't going to do anything to you. The older one will probably protect you and the younger one will want to make you feel more comfortable." Your mother remarks, "These are your cousins. Zane, Syrus, this is your cousin Y/N. We just adopted her a few days ago. Be nice to her, she was in a horrible foster home before." For the first time, felt that you could finally trust again.

Atticus Rhodes x Reader (NaNoWriMo 2017)Where stories live. Discover now