Chapter 10

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A/N: I'm sorry that chapter 10 is late. I was super busy and tired. I am also trying my best to get chapter 11 up as well. I'm really behind but I am also trying my best to catch up with my word count. So far, I am doing okay. School has been kicking me hard. However, I am doing the best that I can do. I had a really tough day on Friday but I feel a lot better now. I just have a lot of assignments to do. I've been using every spare moment I have to get some writing done. In some cases I'm ahead...others not so much. Anyways! I'll let you read this.

Happy reading


Word count: 2515 of 50,000

Total word count: 20,595 of 50,000

Atticus was feeling strange. He didn't know what to say or do. His eyes wander around the environment he was in. Atticus realizes that he is in some kind of maze. His chocolate orbs stare into the mysterious aura that lingers before his eyes. He wasn't sure where he was. However, his only purpose was to search for you. Atticus looks up and notices that the maze had split into several paths. The jacket of his uniform swayed in the unknown breeze that was present in the environment itself. He felt as if someone or something was following him. He ran down one of the paths and continued to lead his pursuer astray. Atticus stops when he notices that the path he went down lead to a dead end. He desperately searches for another way. However, he couldn't turn around. He saw a spirit-like creature approach him in anger. Before the creature could do anything, the Obelisk woke up in a cold sweat.

Atticus sat up in his bed. He breathes out a sigh of relief, "It was only a dream..." He mumbles, "That dream felt so real. I just hope that nothing like that will happen." The brunet Obelisk gazes out his window. It was still pitch black when he awoke with a startled expression. He whispers, "Is she in danger? I don't understand what's going on." Atticus sighs to himself once more, "I have got to stop reading horror novels before bed..." He then mutters, "I sound like Zane...great."

Later that morning, you sit in the courtyard reading a book Alexis lent you. Your vision suddenly goes black. You hear a cheerful voice speak, "Guess who?" You ask, "Seriously, Atticus?" He removes his hands from your eyes and chuckles. He remarks, "Why are you sitting here all alone?" He then asked, "Are you feeling lonely?" You shook your head, "I'm not lonely, I'm just worried." You add, "Nightshroud may have disappeared for now..." Atticus realizes what you meant. He spoke in a gentle tone, "Y/N, we made a promise to everyone. I know how you feel but we can't approach this situation without a solid plan." Aria nods, "Atticus may be dense at times but he has a solid point. You mustn't be reckless, Y/N. That recklessness will bring dire consequences to those around you." You reply, "Who said that I'm going to face this without a plan? I may be desperate to get rid of Nightshroud with everything I have; however, that doesn't mean that I'm going to let his goons go around and wreak havoc on the academy whenever they want." You add, "These creatures only appear when Nightshroud commands them to. Although, there is one other thing that I've noticed." Atticus looked puzzled, "What's that?" You respond with uncertainty, "They'll appear unexpectedly for a few hours and then they'll disappear again. Not only that, they will appear in large groups whenever it becomes dark." You huff, "All of these creatures are starting to get on my nerves. I almost ripped Nightshroud's head off during our duel." Atticus stays silent when you finish speaking. He wasn't sure what he should say to you. What was he supposed to do now?

The allure of darkness that was felt in the spectre's soul was evident. His desire to make a human girl his queen was growing stronger with each second that went by. He wanted to get rid of Atticus Rhodes no matter what. He refused to lose to a mortal. The evil spirit's twisted values further supported his ill cause for happiness. It wasn't happiness, it was pure envy.

Atticus Rhodes x Reader (NaNoWriMo 2017)Where stories live. Discover now