FALL (Iselen P.O.V)

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Great. That's great.

I haven't fallen off a horse since I was a little child and look at me now, lying on the ground. Fuck, what a blow! A rabbit appeared out of nowhere and ran between Deva's legs, she bucked out of control and I fell on my butt, banging my head and my back. Damn, my whole body hurts. At least, I wasn't riding at full speed like I use to or I could have killed myself.

Calm down Iselen, take a deep breath... Good news: it feels that you haven't broken you ribs. Your back and your head seem fine despite the blow so sit down slowly and check if you feel dizzy. Perfect. Look at Deva, she's right here, she didn't run away out of control. Good news again since you have to come back to the castle before the King, and his Court, arrives from a hunting day. Now, stand up and get on the horse. Fuck! I've twisted my ankle. It doesn't seem serious but I don't have time to think about it now. I have to come back, leave Deva in the stable, change my clothes and put on my "good girl" mask again before everybody arrives. I'll have to strain my ankle till I get to my room and try to fix it. There's nothing I can do here.

Damn! It really hurts, what am I supposed to do now? I've left Deva with Eric and I've tried to go limping to my bedroom but I won't make it. Court healers are with the King and I don't think I can bear with the pain till dinner, I can't get to the village in this condition and I have to change my clothes, I can't be seen like this, wearing riding breeches... I don't know if... the east tower staircase is in front of me... if the sorceress hasn't gone hunting maybe she could give me something to stand the pain till I find a healer. I'm taking a risk here of course, I'll have to do my best to play the fool since she's dangerous but I've almost finished my preparations: if she heals my ankle I could leave in a few days. To be honest, I have no other choice.

All right, take a deep breath, try to look sad, let a couple of tears run through your cheeks and knock the door.

- What do you want?

Wow, Ruby Rose opens the door in person, wearing a silk tank top and no hood. I've never seen her like this, I think no one has seen her like this to be honest, with her tattoos and face exposed. I bet she wears the hood even with her lovers. Be polite, Iselen, and keep crying, showing your despair.

- I'm sorry my Lady, I didn't mean to disturb your leisure but I've had a little accident with my horse. I've fallen on my back and I have my ankle twisted. Would you be so kind as to give something to relieve pain so I can wait for the King's healers to come back from their hunting? It'll just take a minute and I won't bother you again. I'd be so grateful...

Well, no. I don't want to be grateful to Ruby and I don't wat to owe her a favour but what else I could do? I feel my throbbing ankle swelling inside my boot and my head aches terribly to the point I think I'm going to faint. It seems that she's noticed it and she's decided to have pity for me.

- Come in and sit down on that divan by the fire. Do not touch anything.

So this is the sorceress den. Not half bad, it's tidy and clean even though overstuffed: tons of books placed on shelves, drying herbs hanging from the ceiling, sheets of paper with strange diagrams stacked on the table and jars full of herbs, seeds and colourful liquids. Is that thing inside that cage a tarantula? I've never seen one that big before and I'm not going anywhere near it. It's disgusting. The divan is very comfortable and the carpet luxurious, temperature is very pleasant thanks to the fire even if the flames are... green coloured? Forget it Iselen, don't think about it or you'll drive yourself crazy and you'll get out this room crawling since running is impossible for you. Something lands by my side making me jump on my seat due to fear. Fuck the damn cat! Black, of course, with green eyes, almost the same colour of her mistress' eyes... Hypnotic...

- Lucifer, get off the divan. Here, drink this.

I drink it without a word. She has no reason to poison me and, if she had one, at this point my whole body is in pain so I don't care about her intentions.

- Lay down. Which ankle is it? This one? It's swelling quite seriously – Ruby is sitting on the divan with me and has my legs over hers. Firstly, she takes off the boot from my good foot but I don't believe that the other one would be that easy to take off. She leans over me looking for something on the table behind my head: a knife's blade shines with the fire light – I'll have to cut.

Is she cutting my foot? No, of course not you idiot, she's going to cut your favourite boot. What's wrong with your head? That thing she gave me to drink works fast and I feel my mind a bit fuggy but at least the pain has almost gone; my foot is still throbbing but I feel it as something distant. The boot is now ripped on the floor and I barely let out a couple of pain moans. Ruby places her hands on my pants' waist and she unbuttons them, startling me. What is she doing?

- I have to bandage your ankle so I have to take off your tight riding breeches unless you want them to be ripped too.

No way, I love these pants. I lift my hips slightly to help her pulling them down my legs. She throws them on the floor and then she stares at me amazed, raising an eyebrow in shock. Damn, I forgot about it: my underwear.

You know that I spend my life faking: pretending to be a boring girl, trying to blend in with my surroundings, dressing dull in order to not attract attention, so I express my rebellious feelings with my underwear. Nobody sees it, I wash it myself. I learnt to embroider when I was a child as a part of my high class education and, what was a hobby for winter evenings at first, turned into a passion for me. My underwear is made of simple linen, no expensive silk or satin, so I decided to "improve" it by embroidering a rose here or adding a ribbon there... and then nothing could stop me. Panties and camisoles were my canvas and I went from embroidering flowers to other motifs: stars, hearts, animals... No wonder Ruby's shocked: along the hem of my panties some cute cats roam freely with their tails knotted together, under the moon and the stars, and some paws prints are embroidered all over the waist.

Ruby smiles slightly. Well, to be honest, they're very funny and I enjoyed the time I spent with this handcraft. While she applies an herbal ointment on my ankle and then bandages it, I start feeling very sleepy. I feel no pain right now.

- Did you bang your head also?

Ruby straddles the divan now, with my open legs placed on her thighs. She leans over me... wait, when has she moved? Did I fall asleep? Ahhh okay, that's it: I'm sleeping. There's no chance that this is happening in real life: Agartha's Sorceress almost leaning on my body, running her hands through my hair and touching my head, worried because I've hit it hard, with her lips just inches from mines. No, this is not happening: she's not undoing my shirt ribbons and opening it to reveal my underwear; she's not smiling amused at the embroidered cats on my camisole; she's not placing her hands over my naked skin, grazing my ribs with her fingers to check if they're broken; she's not sliding her hands over my sides till place them on my hips. Since this isn't real, I see no harm in enjoying it. My hips buck involuntarily against hers while my lips let out a moan.

Last thing I'm conscious of are Ruby's green eyes, staring at me in surprise. 

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