Getting situated you lean back. "I got a factory job now. Three days on and three days off. Works around holidays. I get sore and it's hard working ten hour days. But it pays. The ex thought it wasn't good enough. It's weird. Imagine someone not liking your work, hobbies, or ideas. Yet treat her like a queen and then it just so happens when you both have three full days off you get nothing out of it. You would think maybe a movie night or trip to dinner. Nope. Trip with the girls see you later. Bye bye Honey. It's just... Well I guess it took me a while to realize all of this."

Mero is in joy hearing the type of story. "So you and your lover are finished?"

"She cheated and that meant I couldn't stay. I couldn't stand another man being in the bed I pay for after all of that. Going on for the last month. Just can't."

"Tragedy." Gazed Mero.


Centorea walked over to you. "She has this tragedy thing. You can almost say it's a fetish."

"Greaaaaaat. But yeah so here I am. And tomorrow I head into work and start my three day cycle."

"You work 30 hours in three days?"

"Then three days off. It's hard but you know."

"Wow man. Thank you so much. Is their anything I can do for you?"

"Maybe a glass of water and I guess I'll just kick it until nightime. 6-4 tomorrow and see if I can help you out." You nod.

The girls were just feeling sorry for you. They didn't have to work. Kimihito took great care of them and made it all work. No words could come out as the clock sat a little after 3 PM. Someone had to do something. But who?

Papi did have the mind of a child but even she knew the concept of heartbreak. But the thing about birdbrain they everyone liked was simply because she was adorable. Just so cute. And this time she made the approach. "Hugs?" She opened her arms out.

You smile and nod. "Hugs." You reach quickly and wrap around her. She giggled and tightened the hug as you calmly breath. "Man. Better. So much better."

"Food is coming soon (FN). By the pounds because of the company. Here's a bottle of water. Catch." He underhanded it and caught with your right hand. "Just kick back for now. We gotcha."

"Thanks Kay."

"You're welcome."

Papi was still in the hug. "So what are you going to do now?" Asked Papi.

"Guess see if I can get a place next few checks. And help Kimihito until then."

Rachnera was surveying everything going on the last few minutes. Trying to grasp that their was another man in the house. It wasn't her "Honey" but he was here and taking the living room in the night time. "So you're okay with monster girls?" She asked.

"What's wrong with them that people hate them so much? I mean they still eat and breath like we do. You may have different legs or even tails. But you still are part human to me. You eat the same as I do, speak the same language, and can civilly share a space. Although, are all of them cute, hot, or attractive?"

"Well when you put it that way, wait attractive?" Pondered Centorea.

"Papi and Suu are adorable, you and Rachnera have nice legs, and well tails never fails for Miia and Mero. Who am I to judge? I'm just a factory worker trying to get by. Just me."

"Who do you want to be?" Asked Miia.

"Just me. I want to make my own story. I know I can't work at a factory forever. And I'm okay with other options. At the end of the day I see all those heroes. I'm not the God of lightning, a prince, or right now a Romeo to Juliette. I'm just (FN) and things are just going smooth."

Mero had that look in her eye. She just couldn't stop gazing at you. "Do you think you'll find a lover?"

Just shook your head. "Doubt it. Least right now."

"Do you think your love is lost like The Little Mermaid?" She asked.

"Maybe close? No friggin idea.

"Have you made love to a woman?"

"No Mero. And apparantly it just seems like that kind of love isn't in the talks right now."

"You're getting me all hot. Master's friend is just making me all warm inside."

She was right. She does have a hard on for bad news. What else is there? "Ooooookay then."

"Anything else we should know?" She blushed and covered her face.

"Woman of you want keep digging I have so many tragic events I'll make you it orgasm twice. Don't go there."

"My gracious. Please tell me more."

"Well Mero I'm tapped out for today."

"Awww. Okay. I'm just going to have to find another name for you."

"Another name?"

"Master won't due. Something cute."


"Give it time. You should rest. But can you carry me to my pool after dinner?"


"Thank you (FN). Yeah I need something else."

"Okay then. Tell me then Miss. Tragic."


The moment when you go through bad stuff and someone gets off on it... *Concern* Kimihito had his work cut out. But now at least you can help the poor guy out. But soon Mero might cross lines and who knows when Smith is going to stop by. She might put the smacking on you.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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