A new start

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Ahhhhhhh I'm sorry it's late! Whooping Cough sucks. Hope you never get it. Anyway here is the first chapter on of 'The Last Knight'! As you read it, you can probably tell with major plot point I changed :P Also there is a small A/N note at the end


Its been two years after the battle in Hong Kong. Cemetery Wind fell and we where free for a while.

Me and Sam made an attempt in re-starting our lives. We searched for our parents but we couldn't find any clues to where they where.

After our small search, we went back to the Yeager's to help them rebuild their home with the help of Joshua Joyce.

Drift, Hound, Crosshairs, Bumblebee and the Dinobots protected us, making sure none of the remaining Decepticons found us.

We where safe and happy.

It was the first time in a long time that I've seen Sam happy. He was able to find a proper job and established contact back with Mikaela.

Tessa was finally accepted into a Collage.

Cade still woke with developing new things. His inventions worked better now with have a close counter with Cybertronian tech.

And like Sam had promise, Bumblebee and I managed to spend time together without worrying about what was around the corner.

But it only lasted a short time.

With what was remaining of Cemetery wind, the Government decided to pick up the peaces and create a new group after they officially made 'Transformers' illegal on Earth.

The TRF hunted us down when we refused to tell them where the Autobots where.

They also attempted to recruit me as William Lennox, my old captain was back working for them. Of course I said no.

Cade and I where chased around the country. We tried to find safe places for us and the remaining autobots to hide, but they always managed to find us.

I had to cut ties with my brother to keep him safe and Cade did the same with his daughter.

After a few months, we found a old junk yard in the middle of no where, which Cade brought with his remaining money.

From there, we moved forward.

We started going back to the destroyed parts of Chicago, helping Cybertronians that would come to Earth in an attempt to keep them hidden from the TRF.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I herd footsteps come up from behind me. I looked away from the orange sky and turned towards Cade.

"We should get moving." He said and threw my bag at me.

I caught it and looked upon to Bee who stood by me. "Let go." I said and waited for Bee to transform so we could start our jury to Chicago.


As we where nearing 'no mans land', the sound of gun fire was herd before there was a loud crash in the distance.

I grabbed my walkie talkie that had in the passenger seat. "Cade, did you see that?" I asked as I looked in the direction of where the smoke was coming from.

Soon I got a reply. "Yeah, you and Bee should take point. Make sure there are not TRF around." He said.

We out a replying back, I put down the walkie talkie. "You herd him Bee, let go." I said. Bee revved his engine before talking off.

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