Stealing a war sub

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There are so many plot holes in this movie holy shit. Anyway, its almost Christmas! What are everyone's plans this year? Work is closed again for Christmas so I get to spend the whole day with my family again yay! Honestly I'm 24 going on 25 soon and I'm still excited about Christmas.

"Follow me." I looked away from the window and followed closely behind Cade as Viviane showed us a way out the back of her large home. 

She showed us though her back yard and down and narrow walkway between Viviane's home and her neighbour. As we made it on the the street, a flash of yellow round the corner and stopped just in front of us. "We should hurry before they catch us." I said, jogging over to the drivers side of the familiar Camaro.

 "I'll call Edmond and tell him that we worked out where Merlin's staff is.." Viviane said, pulling out her phone from her purse, almost dropping it in her panic.

I folded down the set, allowing Cade to clime in the back. I put the seat back into its place and looked over towards Viviane, who was just putting her phone away. Her hands where slightly shaking as she closed up her bag and looked over to me.

I gave her a soft smile and walked over to her. "Come on, its time to go." I nodded towards where Bee sat, engine rumbling softly. 

"How do you stay so calm?" She said as she walked over to the passengers side.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I am a soldier, I have to stay calm in times like this. So people like you can continue on." I said putting my arms on the roof of the Bee and rest my chin on them, giving Viviane a soft smile. "Cade and I will keep you safe. As well as the bots. I know its all new to you but you will make it though this. I promise."

I pushed off the roof and stood up straight. "Come on, we have to get this staff before we're found or the Decepticons find it." I said a finally sat in the drivers seat.

Viviane hopped in soon after. 

Bee rumbled even louder as he sped off down the street, weaving in and out of car down the narrow street.

As we made it onto a wider road, sirens where herd behind us as the cops had found us once again.

"Bee, I'm gonna divert the cops!" Hotrod's voice came though the radio as a black and orange Lamborghini speed past us.

"A Decpticon has been seen." Bee played though the radio.

Cade to turn around, and looked out the windows. "What do you mean and Decpticon has been seen? Where?"

I spun around in my seat, to see an American style police car round the corner. "No no no no." I said, recognising the paint job.

Cade lent in between the seats and looked at me. "What do you mean no? Do you recognise that car?" He asked, looking between me and the police car behind us.

My grip on the seat and handle above the door tightened. "That's Barricade. We have history." I gritted my teeth, remembering my first encounter with the con.

"What do you mean you have history?" Cade, all but yelled as we rounded the corner sharply, Barricade almost hitting Bee on the side.

"Now's not the time Cade! You should know by..." I started to say, as Bee started to partly transform around us and shoot the Con.

He transformed back and speed back down the road. Both Cade and Viviane looked shaken as they tried to peace what had happened together.

Not long after we had lost the cops and the Con, we finally arrived the the museum. I looked around confused, turning around when I herd another car door slam shut behind us.

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