To save Earth

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This one is a bit of a short one mostly because there is only 30 mins of the movie left. Which means that the next chapter most likely will be the last. It felt so disjointed in the movie that I got so lost writing but I did my best to fill in the empty spaces. I'm not happy with it but I want to get it out. Also Iacon is the capital of Cybertron and the city were most if not all the Autobots are from so just a heads up if you didn't know.

I squinted my eyes as I looked up to the sky. Cybertron had arrived and was slowly getting closer to earth.

Large chunks that where attached to the planet still by long cables, slowly came down crashing into the ground and acting like an anchor for the large metal planet.

"Optimus, how are we gonna stop Cybertron from destroying Earth?" I said as I looked away from the planet above us to the large bot who stood next to me.

He looked way from what use to be his home and down to me. "If I am correct, we are where Iacon used to be was which means one of the Ignition chambers is near by." There was a sad tone as he spoke. I looked at him in sympathy.

"Is that how we stop Cybertron from crashing into earth?" Lennox said as he stood next to me.

Optimus nodded his head and turned around to talk to the knights that still stood around us.

Lennox then walked away, talking on the radio as he did.

I heard heavy foot steeps behind me. I tuned around to see Bee looking up at the planet above us. "Iacon is where we're from. Its hard to see home when its broken." Be said, not looking away from the sky.

I put my hand on one of the plates of his leg. I followed his gaze to see the part of the ruined city slowly float by.

Soon there was the sound of Helicopter blades get closer. Lennox then started to yell gathering everyone up to board. "I'll see you there Bee." I said and walked over to the helio and get in, looking at Bee though the slight fogged up window. I game him a small wave before we where in the air.

"General, we're gonna prep a HALO jump on that ignition chamber." Lennox yelled over the noise though his walkie.

"Plane will never nav though those vines." The man that sat next to Lennox said.

I looked out the window and saw the ship Hound and Crosshairs where fixing silently hovering next to us. "We have one that can get us though." I said pointing towards the Cybertronian ship. "But first we need the staff."


As we were coming up to stonehenge, Meagtron stood in the middle of it holding the staff in the air. He stopped and turned towards us when he herd us get closer.

Soon the soldiers that where on the ground opening fire onto the Descepticons.

We manage to land a little bit away from the fighting which had stopped once when we landed on the ground. Once we got off the helicopter there was a yell.

I turned toward where it came from and saw Izzy run towards us. She ran up to me and crashed into a hug. "I hoped you stayed out of trouble while we where gone." I said as I pulled her away.

She snored and looked me up and down then did the same to Cade. "You definitely haven't."

Cade then pulled her into a hug and gave her a smile. "I see you got my message."

Soon there was another familiar voice yell. I turned around to see Jimmy run towards us. He pulled Cade and I into a bone crushing hug. I brought the troops, man. I brought the troops." He said out of breath.

Soon the Autobots joined us and Optimus spoke up. "Knight, Autobots, this cannot and will not be the end. To save Earth and her people, we are going to steal Quintessa's staff. Only you Vivian, can take it back." He said as he looked down at Vivian.

"I will lead the way into her chamber. And when the account of the age is etched into the cosmos, let those who exist long after us know that is was our finest hour." Optimus gave us all a nod before he flew up towards Cybertron.

Not long after Optimus left us the ship we where once on, started to light up above us. "That can't be good." I mumbled as I looked up at it.

The chunks that where anchored into the ground started to move up slowly, dragging dirt along with it.

As it started to connect back together parts started to come off at it started to collied. "We need to move!" I yelled and started to run as pieces of Cybertron started to fall and move around us.

We all managed to get onto the ship unscathed and soon we where in the air on our way to where Quintessa was hiding.

As I was clipping my parachute on someone came up to me and patted me on the shoulder. "Just like old times huh?"

I turned my head and saw Epps with the largest smile on his face. I smiled and pulled him to a hug. "Good to see you Epps."

"Like wise Witwicky. I'm glad we on the same team again." He said as he looked over his weapons before to looked up at the Bots that stood off to the side. "There's even more of them?" He said, nodding his head over towards where the knights stood.

I nodded my head and did a once over on the straps. "Yeah. They where the once that helped King Arthur and the knights of the round table." I said not missing the look of confusion and shock on Epps's face.

I laughed and patted his shoulder. "It's a long story." I said as I walked away while Epps yelled at me to explain.

I then walked over to Bee who sat off to the side, looking over his hand cannon. I climbed up onto the box next to him and sat down looking over everyone who where still busying getting everything together.

"I've lost count how many time we have gone though this." I said slightly out of breath. I pulled the oxygen mask over my face and took a deep breath.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bee put away his gun and lent forward on his knees.

He let out a small laugh. "And there's probably gonna be many more after." He said.

I nodded my head and turned to look up at him. "You know it's weird to hear your real voice and not the radio."

He tilted his head to the side, looking down at me. "I can always go back to talking though the radio if you like." He said sound a little sad.

I quickly shook my head. "That's not what I mean and you know it." I said bumping my shoulder into his knee. I turned back towards where everyone was still getting ready to drop.

"Where do you wanna go after this is over?" Bee asked out of the blue.

I shrugged my shoulders. "If we're not being hunted I'd like to go anywhere, but I'll like to see Sam again."

"We'll go and see Sam first then." Bee said and stood up off the box.

I nodded my head and got up to. "Looks like we're ready to go." I then turned back and looked up at Bee. "I'll see you on the ground." I said, giving him a salute and walking away.

I herd him laugh as I joined everyone as they hopped onto the helicopter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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