In search for the staff

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Yay now it get good! So how was everyone's Christmas? I hope everyone got what they wanted and if you don't celebrate it it hope you had a wonderful day! Also i keep meaning to bring it up, everyone saw the Rise of the Beasts trailer?? I'm so excited for it and can't wait until it comes out!

I sighed, staring up at the bottom of the bunk unable to get any sleep. It was to calm and quite, which put me on edge.

As I lied on the hard mattress, my upper arm started to feel warm. I sat up and lifted up the sleeve of my shirt. The talisman started to plus and glow a blue light, similar to the blue glow when any cybertronain tech was activated.

"(Y/N), you better come see this." Cade said as he peeked his head into the room.

I nodded my head and stood up, following Cade down the small hall. We soon came to the bow of the sub again. Vivian and Cogman moved out of the way so I was able to get a better view of what was outside.

"Oh wow." Was all I could say as I looked out and saw a old Cybertonian ship. It started to pulse the same blue colour the talisman was.

"You are the first to see this ship since the dark ages. Your talisman is the key to unlocking the ship." Cogman said, kneeling down next to me.

The sub took us closer to the old ship, as we came closer more lights slowly started to come on. "It knows we're here." I said, taking my eyes off the sight to look down at the low glow of the talisman on my arm.

I looked back to see us enter one of the entrances to the ship. Not longer after going down the tube we finally surfaced.

"Come, I know where to find some weaponry. No doubt your friends from earlier will find a way to follow us in." Cogman said and walked past all of us and back down the hall and turned down another one.

I shrugged and followed closely behind him. As we rounded the corner Cogman opened the door and stepped aside to let us though. "They are old, but still in working order. I don't know why they would leave guns and live ammunition on bord a museum peace but they have." Cogman rambled as he walked out of the room.

"I don't know how to fire a gun." Vivian spoke, looking out of place, standing in a room full of weapons.

I looked around, trying to spot what I was looking for. I smiled and walked over to where a set of knifes and side arms sat behind a glass box. I grabbed a heavy object at was sitting on the floor and hit the glass, shattering it. 

I carefully picked up the old revolver and combat knife. I found the ammo for the revolver and loaded it before walking over to Vivian. "Hopefully you wont have to use them but just in case." I said holding the two weapons out to her. "But I'm sure Cade will look after you so you wont have to use them." I joked, giving Cade a wink.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed, turning back to what he was doing.

I laughed and turned back to Vivian. She was hesitant in taking the weapons from my hands but she took them, looking them over and gave me a weak smile.

 I gave her a reassuring smile before turning around and finding my own weapons. After we had sorted out our gear we climbed up the ladder and opened the hatch.

As I peeked my head out, a yellow and gun metal hand was in front of my face. I smiled and looked up to Bee. "Thanks." I said, grabbing onto his hand, lifting me up.

He let out a happy wheer, making sure I had my balance before letting go and jumping into the water.

I looked around in awh. The ship was old that's for sure. Ice was covering the metal, causing icicles for form over the door ways.

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