Brett Talbot-Everything

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I was cheering for the lacrosse team when I was suddenly grabbed by Malia.

"She's here!" She hissed, yanking me away.

"Who's here?"

"The Desert Wolf." She whispered to me, her eyes wide with fear.

"Oh," A sadistic voice said from behind us. We both turned around in fear. "You can just call me mom."

Malia pushed me behind her. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see the young men in my daughter's lives play lacrosse." She shrugged innocently.

I couldn't help my eyes as they found their way to Brett on the field.

"Well, since you two have been gazing at each other the whole game, I'm assuming yours is twenty-eight?" She followed my gaze to Brett, who was helping Liam off the ground. "He's cute."

I glared at her.

"And Malia," she turned her gaze to my half-sister. "That doofus over there? I'd that him?" The three of us Looked over at Stiles, right as he rammed his head into the bleachers after trying to grab some girl's shoe. 

As Malia stared at Stiles for a moment longer, our mother snatched me by the arm and yanked me away. 

She brought us closer to the field, away from Malia. All of a sudden, she shoved her claws in my shoulder, causing me to cry out.

Brett's head perked up slightly from his spot on the field. 

"Come meet your future mother-in-law before I let her bleed out on this field," my mother hissed. 

"Don't do it," I whispered to Brett, gritting my teeth in pain. 

His head snapped up and he started towards us angrily. 

"Brett, no," I growled. "Malia!" I tried to yell. 

"How much are you really willing to risk for her?" She hissed at Brett. 

A growl erupted from his throat. "Everything."

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