The Plan-Derek Hale

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"What's the plan?" Derek asked, appearing out of nowhere. You all jumped a little, but you quickly let a smile rise up your lips as you walked up to your older boyfriend.

"Derek," you muttered sweetly, putting your hands on either side of his face and giving him a quick kiss.

"Hey," he smiled back, briefly running his hand down my cheek and looking into my eyes lovingly. Then he was all business again as he turned to your best friends, Scott and Stiles.

"Okay, that's great," Stiles rolled his eyes at the two of you. "You two be disgusting all you want, we'll just discuss the plan to save Isaac, your brother," he said, giving you a pointed look.

You narrowed your eyes at him and looked towards Scott, urging him to explain his boss Deaton's plan to help your brother regain his memory from his time with the alpha pack.

Basically, Deaton wanted to kill Isaac by drowning him in ice water and hypnotizing him. At least that's what you got out of it, but you tended to be an overdramatic worrier.

"Deaton knows what he's doing," Scott assured you

You shook your head, still unsure of the plan. "Maybe with a squirrel or something, but this is my brother we're talking about." You twisted your head around to look at Derek, who locked eyes with you and nodded to show you that he was on your side.

Truthfully, he was totally fine with the plan, but he could tell by the look in your eyes that this was an argument he had to be on your side for...or else.

"Why would you bring a squirrel to the vet?" Stiles muttered to himself, and you shrugged. You hadn't thought it through, you just said it.

"Anyway," Derek said, telling Scott with his eyes to continue the conversation before you and Stiles got really off track.

"Anyway..." Scott nodded. "He said we could meet him at the clinic tonight at seven."

"I don't think it's a good idea," you said again. "Has Isaac heard of this plan?"

"No, he's in English right now," Scott answered. You gave him a disbelieving look.

"We're all supposed to be somewhere, Scott!" You exclaimed, taking a step closer to him as you yelled. "But we all skipped it so we could make a plan to save Isaac, so maybe you should've told Isaac about this-"

"Hey, you wanna control your little ball of anger?" Stiles suggested, looking at Derek, who simply shrugged at him before continuing to watch you.

Overhearing Stiles's little comment, you turned to him with a glare. "What was that?" you growled.

"Nothing." Stiles squeaked.

You heard a laugh and the three of you turned in surprise to see Derek, who quickly covered up his smile and made his face blank.

He loved having a short, angry girlfriend who scared her friends more than he did.

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