Chapter 17

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The beginning of June had finally made its appearance. The heat wasn't blistering or suffocating, but it was uncomfortable enough to want to seek shade.

Little Robbie could care less about the change in weather though, for he was more focused on the two days to come. In just two days, Robbie was going to turn 5, a huge milestone for someone his age. Not only would he be able to start school in the fall but he would also most likely make more progress in connecting with his other half. He was eager to have his first shift, but he was more than aware that he still had quite a few years left to go before then.

However, his dad always told him that the best way he could prepare for the shift, something Tony had warned him would be painful, was to practice with what was available to him. He had access to keen observance that was only possible with his phenomenal eye sight and hearing. He wasn't quite sure what his dad had in mind when he encouraged him to practice with them, but he figured to just use them as much as possible whenever he could.

Long story short, Robbie waited with bated breath for June 4th to come. He only hoped though that his family would be able to celebrate it with him.

Today, much to his displeasure considering he wanted to spend the day with his mom, Zoey dropped him off to play with Rory and the Ayala twins while she took Kaleigh to a sitter. He wasn't sure why he couldn't go with her and he didn't fully comprehend his mom's explanation. Something about how "the help that Joe had sent was being overrun by children". This just confused Robbie, because if he had been the one to run over Carine or even his parents, he'd surely be put in a timeout. A timeout had always straightened out his behavior. Nevertheless, his mom left in a hurry and Robbie was left with the boys and with no indication of when he was going to be picked up.

This had been a regular occurrence as of late. He had gotten used to seeing his mom more often despite his dad being the one to be gone throughout the day. Now though, both of his parents were once again always busy. He felt as if he shouldn't have gotten his hopes up in not having to worry about not seeing them for majority of the day anymore. He was happy when he spent the whole day with his mom and he couldn't wait until it became a regular occurrence. However it was a foolish, selfish wish, in his little mind. His parents were important to the pack and they were working not only to protect him and his sister, but also an entire pack. No matter how much he wished it, he couldn't take up all of their time.

On the bright side, he was always among friends. Though Rory was currently busy rehearsing for a play he and some friends were putting on, Dennis and Davey were trying their hardest to rope him into their game of tag. As much as he would love to participate, he knew the game wasn't suited for their location at the moment.

They were at the private outdoor theater where Rory and his friends were rehearsing and not only would their game interrupt them, Robbie was worried about someone getting hurt.

The theater was set up like a small colosseum where the stage at the front was surrounded by rows of stairs for the audience to sit. It was built, however, so that most of the wild life wasn't disrupted. The stairs, a smooth stone, were covered with plush, moss like  grass where skinny trees grew every so often. It was a beautiful set up, completely open to everyone in the pack. It also helped that the canopies above from the bigger surrounding trees shrouded the entire area with shade, which attracted the pack members immensely, especially when they wanted to hang out.

With that being said, Robbie was worried that either Dennis or Davey would accidentally trip on the stairs they were currently running on or would run smack dab into one of the wayward trees that grew upon the stairs. Robbie knew personally how bad that hurt. He had to admit though that the twins looked like they were having a lot of fun and was very tempted to just join them. It would be much better than sitting and watching Rory and his friends on the stage, no matter how goofy they looked in their outfits.

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