Chapter 1

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Carine watched as the pack warriors continued to train even though the rain practically obscured all vision. Of course, Carine was human; while she couldn't see anything beyond her hand, she figured no amount of rain could deter them. Or they just didn't care. Either way it didn't matter, a pack member's loyalty almost, almost, rivaled a mate's.

"Cari Cari! Look it's mommy and daddy!" Robbie bounced excitedly in her arms as her pointed across the way where she knew the warriors were. Carine squinted and tried her hardest to find the blue haired Beta and his mate but came up empty. But she figured she'd give the two year old the benefit of the doubt; Carine assumed he could see them like all the other werewolves despite his age.

"They're amazing aren't they?" She asked him softly. Robbie nodded and smiled fondly at his parents. Carine laughed before kissing Robbie's temple and putting him down. The boy in return pat Carine's cheek gently before returning his gaze back on his parents, his face pressed up against the glass door. Carine left the boy and entered the living room where the playpen was. She peered through the mesh and met the azure eyes belonging to Kaleigh Finnegan, Tony's 6 month old daughter.

This was Carine's first day babysitting both the Finnegan youths and she was thankful that Kaleigh was an easy baby. She only had to be changed twice and she was easily pacified when left to her own devices. That being said, she only had to focus most of her attention on Robbie who was the complete opposite of his sister.

Like his father he was very goofy and rambunctious. Luckily it wasn't to Tony's extent but enough to keep Carine on her toes. On quiet days like today, Robbie usually drew at his work station or played Peggle on the Xbox. Today was the exception however since he got to watch his parents in action.

Kaleigh smiled at Carine and watched in amusement as she puffed her cheeks. Carine picked her up and gave her barely clenched hand a fist bump. The infant in turn looked confused at her gesture which Carine noticed and smirked broadly. She would mold this youngin' to be the best Mini Carine there never was.

After changing Kaleigh out of her pajamas and into her original outfit, she put a bib around her neck and placed her on her mat. Carine watched as she immediately rolled onto her stomach and reached for her toys. Carine lingered with the pup for a while longer before setting up the child gate and retrieving Robbie. Well...more like dragging Robbie away from the door.

"Car Car~!" He whined. Luckily he didn't put up much of a fight but he still made his dislike apparent; quite loudly in her ear might she add.

"Ay you want to look nice for your parents don't you? They don't need to come back from their training to their half-naked son with dried drool on the side of his cheek." Robbie in turn briefly wiped at the wrong cheek and gave her a satisfied grin. Carine pursed her lips at the mischievous boy and put him down on the floor.

"Go find your 'jamas, I'll be right there." In an instant the little one shimmied his diapered bottom toward the couch where he took his nap. Carine followed him after grabbing his sister. After she laid Kaleigh on the floor she knee-walked over to Robbie who was seated on the couch and grabbed his Hot Wheels pajamas to help him put them on. She didn't know why Zoey packed him pajamas when he always threw them off his body while he slept. She guessed she wanted to pretend he actually used them, because what mother didn't think their son looked cute in their nightwear?

Just as Carine was pulling the shirt over Robbie's curls, they heard the door open and the boy sniffed the air.

"Momma!" Robbie rocketed off of the couch and into the front room. Carine smiled to herself as she finished dressing Kaleigh in her cute, pink rain coat. She herself remembered how excited she'd be when her mom and dad came home for the day. She would launch herself into Belle's arms and once she was picked up, Atticus planted a sweet kiss on both her cheeks.

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