Chapter 10

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As soon as she stepped foot on the foreign territory, Isadora Barkov was ready to book it. Leaving Russia and moving to Ruon Chase had been more than enough adventure for her. So she could not understand what pushed her into requesting to visit Clastgrove. Well...she did know. Mates just seemed to be popping up everywhere in Clastgrove, and despite her hard exterior, she really did look forward to the day when she'd meet her mate.

After all, an animal strived to mate and reproduce. Of course, with a werewolf's human side added to the mix, mating had a little more substance than just ensuring the survival of the species. While the beastly side of her craved to mate for the purpose of attributing to the population, Isa was looking forward to companionship (which still appealed the animal within her as well since both man and beast were social creatures).

The promise of a happy future with her mate was what really urged her into coming here today. She knew that when she met her fated wasn't actually up to her, but a werewolf never really knew if "today was the day". So even though her journey held promising rewards, her motivation decreased with every step she took further into Clastgrove. Those who knew her would instantly understand why.

Was it a lack of confidence? No. She carried herself with the utmost dignity and respect. Was she afraid? Heh. Even the thought of battle and war could not deter her courage and bravery. Perhaps she was just shy then? Please, her badassery came by the wheelbarrow full. She had no time to be shy.

The matter lie within her low tolerance for everyone.

Her mother and her sister had fretted and fussed over her on the same topic. They didn't think that immigrating to America was going to work considering how hard it was for Isa to make friends. They worried that she wasn't going to find a pack to take her in.

They were right at first.

For her first year in America she had actually lived as a rogue. She was unsure about which packs in the area she could trust and therefore spent her time doing extensive research.

When she came across Ruon Chase, Bacchus had just begun with the Alpha Challenges. Isa didn't have to participate, but she figured that demonstrating her worth would secure her a spot in the pack. Plus she was pretty confident in her abilities.

She didn't know that Bacchus would begin to let the confidence get to his head. For a while she was worried that she would win. Isadora wasn't meant to be Alpha. She didn't want to be Alpha. Sure she was strong but to be Alpha, you had to have patience and the desire to protect. In Isa's mind, you had to like people to want to protect them. And for Isa, it was really hard to let people into her inner circle.

It really was. It took Isa forever to settle in Ruon Chase and get used to her pack members. Slowly but surely however, her pack became her home and the Demetrious became family. Though it took forever, Isa was glad she found comfort in the foreign country.

But now, she had thrown herself back into an unfamiliar territory with no intention of trying to be nice. So with that being was she going to find her mate here if she couldn't navigate the territory?

Isadora had no clue.

She figured her best option was to quickly peruse the area, heighten her senses, then get back to Ruon Chase A.S.A.P.

But that was not to be.

During her walk she eventually came across a small neighborhood. Friendly family homes dotted the area and children of all ages ran to and fro, in front and in back, of the houses, giggling joyously and having the time of their lives. The adults were on their porches, sitting with friends while the adolescents had climbed onto the roofs (while others pushed each other off said roofs) and were relaxing without care. Isa silently admired the peaceful ambience and went to continue her sojourn through the pack when she was stopped.

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