Chapter 5

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Avery is about the least annoying of the Dvorak siblings. She can still be a major pain in the butt when she wants to be-mostly when it comes to her leaving her crap all over the place- but overall, she keeps to herself. This is probably due to the copious amount of hobbies she'd taken on (hence all the 'crap'): beading, knitting, writing, playing the violin, singing, and reading. Ironically, however, Avery's worst subject in school was English, which neither she or Forrest could understand. She read all sorts of books day in and day out and was fairly creative considering how much she involved herself in. Regardless, she came home with less than stellar essays and constantly had to retake her multiple choice tests. There was always that one subject that some people just can't seem to wrap their brain around, but Forrest was absolutely stunned to find that Avery's was English. But it was this that led her to trying to hide her grades from Forrest. Which eventually put him on babysitting duty.

Currently Avery was in Forrest's office writing her last essay (out of 3) for her second semester assignment. He had contacted her teacher about the whole thing since Avery was very good at leaving out certain details when it came to updating him about her writing assignments. Because of that he hovered over her constantly and pushed her to do her best.

This assignment required her to step out of her comfort zone and try new things with her organization, style, diction, syntax, and topic. The whole idea of writing 3 essays overwhelmed her getting her to write one was like pulling teeth. Luckily, Forrest Dvorak was her brother and was willing to help her. The trick was getting her to find topics that interested her.

The topic of this last one happened to be about which of the Disney Prince/Princess couples were most ideal or realistic. Boy did she have passion for this one! All the time she spent reading those romantic novels paid off; she had a lot to say about the "cheesy and impulsive crap they tried to feed the audience". He got her fired up and now he just had to sit back and let her take care of the rest (under careful supervision of course). This lack of attentiveness on his sister, though, compelled his thoughts to drift toward his mate Eris. No one could blame him though. It's been almost 2 weeks since he'd found his mate but now it seemed as though she didn't exist anymore. After he talked to Henry, briefly, about his pack-the guy didn't know what the hell he was doing anymore; Beta Tony had answered most of the questions-he hightailed it back to where his mate disappeared. But she was already long gone; her scent still lingered but it wasn't strong enough to pinpoint her exact location. Well... actually it was, but given the time frame he had to go looking for her, his chances of seeing her before he had to leave were slim. And he wasn't about to evoke suspicion from Henry.

What was even worse was that when he visited Clastgrove once more, any and every sign of Eris seemingly vanished. He discreetly sniffed out every nook and cranny of the land and couldn't pick up her scent anywhere. You can imagine how pissed he was going home. And then how unbearable he was to be around once he was home. Even Nero took a huge step backward from his usual antics around his older brother. He was usually just stuffy, now he was stuffy and crabby. Yikes.

His temper had flared significantly as well. No one could really blame him, not that they were told anything by him yet, but they could guess. It was almost always a woman or in this case, a mate.

With Forrest being the first child in the Dvorak family to have found their mate, there was no doubt there should have been confetti flying and bugles a'blazin'. But that wasn't to be with the minor problem of him having lost his life partner.

Karma and Nero had originally laughed at him about it, but one frustrated and pained glare shut them right up. The twins promptly whacked them both in the back of their heads after that and trailed after Forrest. They figured it'd be better if he was in the presence of more sensitive company for the time being-their mom had even called once Nyssa leaked the good news and the bad news-but Forrest politely declined them. He just wanted to be alone. While he appreciated the love and support of his family, there was really nothing they could do to remove the devastation from his heart.

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