Chapter 9

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Carine knew as soon as they pulled into the Clastgrove pack that the 'sib-cation' was definitely needed. She felt refreshed, completely ready to get back into her schedule and back to work. She was relieved that she had some time for herself to have fun but she really did miss the kids. They ran her ragged but it was a good thing she loved them to pieces.

Yes, she was ready to face reality. Carine thought that it was because of her reprieve from Clastgrove, but her family knew it was because she had been with Forrest. He was the balm that soothed the worries that plagued her. They could all see how much of a positive impact Forrest's arrival had on their sister. All but Carine of course. Having her put together the obvious facts herself was just too easy. She was going to soldier on with her life for the time being thinking that Forrest was beyond her reach when in actuality, he was right there if she just reached out. Her siblings couldn't tell her anything though; they were under lock and key under the orders of both Forrest and Bacchus. It truly was tragic. It was like watching your favorite ship bounce around each other as it takes and arm and a leg to finally get them together. Nevertheless, they would keep their promise.

Once the car stopped, Carine unbuckled herself and got out of the car. Tad and Lilith followed. While Lilith went to the trunk to get her luggage, Tad went to Carine to offer his goodbyes. He wasn't really good with them; he was awkward and stiff. Fortunately Carine knew this and initiated the hug instead. Tad was grateful that he was taller than Carine. He hated feeling and being the baby of the family but luckily his growth spurt made up for it. He hoped in the future that he'll be as tall as Bacchus.

"See ya Tadpole. Be good for mom and dad okay?" Tad grunted in response and released her. He then returned to his seat in the car and began playing something on his phone. You can imagine how joyful and family-oriented he was during the holidays.

Lilith returned with her duffle and gave it to Carine. The two sisters then stared at each other awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Carine had already somewhat forgiven Lilith, but she didn't know how to broach their quarrel. She wasn't sure how Lilith was feeling on the matter but she really wanted her sister back. Her grudge prevented her from spending a whole lot of time with Lilith during the vacation, but she did find herself missing her company. After all, sisters are friends forever.

"Lil? We're good now right?" Carine asked tentatively. She hadn't been outrageously rude to her sister but Carine knew she still hurt her feelings. Just because Carine's grudge disappeared didn't mean Lilith's had. But she hoped Lilith was missing her as much as Carine was. Luckily, she was right on the money.

"Yes! Oh thank goodness, yes! I thought you were still mad at me." Lilith pulled her in for a hug and Carine reciprocated in earnest. She really did miss her sister. Who else was she going to go to when she was sick of her brothers? She had hoped that she'd spend majority of her vacation with her sister; bonding and hanging out like old times. But her frustration got the best of her. Carine wanted at least one person to listen to her and just to confide in. But Lil's negative response took that prospect and chucked it out the window. In other words, Carine was offended. And she had never felt so alone as she did in that moment.

But she also understood that her sister wasn't human. She was a pure-blood werewolf who was taught since she was a little girl that she only had one mate in her life. The only person with whom she would spend the rest of her life with. Any other relationship she'd have with a man would never be as significant as the one she'd have with her mate. Such strong beliefs are never easy to sway.

Fortunately they had their time to cool off and now everything could go back as it used to.

"Listen Cari, I may have my own opinions, but I also know you are entitled to your own as well. And while I don't agree with this attraction you have for this other man"-even though now she did-"I will support and love you no matter what." Carine smiled brightly at her sister's honesty and hugged her tightly once more.

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