Chapter 15

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Every fiber of Forrest's being felt as if he had been handed the short end of the stick. In reality though, being the last Alpha to have been assigned to Eris was fair. Yet all Forrest's feral side could comprehend was that everything and everyone was trying to get in the way of even spending the slightest amount of time with his mate. While Forrest was getting close to bursting, he also recognized this was best for everyone involved.

The group had concluded that the Alphas who lived farthest from Clastgrove would be the first mentor Eris and then they'd go down the list of which packs were the next closest.

Of course, Siriver Mount was Clastgrove's "next-door neighbor". In conclusion, Forrest wouldn't see, or, more specifically, have a "good reason" to see Eris for another six weeks! He was just about ready to explode.

In the beginning it was easier just knowing that Eris was out there (unknowingly) waiting for him. As weeks past, though, it just wasn't enough anymore. Every moment he spent with Eris, no matter how brief or how indirect (phone calls, text messages, etcetera), was just a small taste, a small glimpse of what their future could be. It made Forrest impatient. At this point, six weeks was really pushing it and he didn't make any attempt to hide his irritation and discontent over this fact. However, only Eris's family actually noticed Forrest's sudden sour mood. Forrest had seen the sympathetic looks the Demetriou family had given him but he ignored them lest he get anymore enraged.

He sat in silence for the remainder of the meeting then watched in agony as Eris was immediately whisked out of the room by Spencer to begin her training. They weren't even able to utter any semblance of goodbyes to each other.

Forrest was then met with his own little version of Hell. He had no choice but to leave Eris to her own devices so that she could learn how to run the pack. He left reluctantly but he also kept in mind the image of seeing Eris taking charge in the future and knew this would be good for her in the long run. He had to admit...the image of Alpha Eris was very sexy.

The thought of that brought forth a pleased growl from his chest. He could not wait until the six weeks were up.


Carine heaved a heavy sigh and let herself fall to the ground in exhaustion. If she thought Spencer was ruthless, then Nico was merciless. A week had already passed and she had finished her time trial with Alpha Spencer and it had been hell. The purple haired Alpha did not waste any time in whipping her back into fighting shape and introducing her to combat training. Carine had lost track of how many times she'd fallen on her ass or had her face slammed into the ground when she sparred with Spencer. Fortunately, despite what it may look like to some, Carine had improved on her skills and was able to hold her own in the ring with Spencer for a solid 10 minutes (compared to the wimpy two she had started off with).

Despite all the aches, pains, and exhaustion, Carine was excited to learn more and couldn't wait to see what Nico had in store for her.

Nico, however, was very much interested in her stamina level. The stamina level that only kept her in the ring with Spencer for 10 minutes.

To put it lightly, his training was aggressive, laborious, and excruciating. Each day started with a 10 mile run. The very first day began with a 10 mile run! And Nico didn't slowly ease her into it either with growing increments of time to get her used to the strain it would put on her. Hell her first day with him was spent just barely finishing a run. Son of a bitch, it had been horrible!

She was fine for the first 2 miles but by the third she threw up for the first time. By the fifth she threw up again and collapsed. By the eighth she couldn't feel her legs and by the 10th she threw up once more before she was out for the day. It only started right back up again after a quick bowl of oatmeal and a glass of milk the next morning. Nico Travis was a tyrant.

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