Chapter 32: Olivia

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I couldn't move. She was here - Olivia was here. She looked different this time, her long blonde hair looking unkempt, and her face held more wrinkles than I'd noticed in the cafe. And she wore... Was that a green hospital gown?

It was scary to see her so close, her features resembling a lot of Lillian's - I swallowed hard.

But there was only one question screaming from my mind - how did she know that we were here?

The only word that I could think... psychopath.

"Where is she?" Olivia asked again, Tia looking back at me with a frown as she continued to hold the elevator doors open.

"Uh, Candice?" Tia prompted me, having no idea what was going on.

I never took my eyes from Olivia, her piercing stare only wanting one thing - my sister.

"What do you want with Lillian?" I managed to ask, my voice a lot stronger than I felt.

"She's my daughter, she's mine."

Tia's mouth almost fell to the floor. The way she said mine sent a shudder up my spine.

"That's not your choice to make," I raised my voice, taking a step forward. "Lillian gets to decide whether she wants to see you or not, and after you showed up the other night - I highly doubt it."

Olivia's gaze hardened, chilling me to my bones. "I guess I'll find out when I talk to her - tonight."

Something about her expression told me that she wasn't here just to 'talk' with Lillian. I held my ground.

"Fine," I said as if defeated. "As long as you only want to talk - nothing else. She's in room four-eleven."

Tia looked at me and raised her hand to her mouth, as if shocked that I would tell Olivia such information - Tia should seriously consider an acting career. Olivia fell for it and gave a wicked smirk as the doors closed. She was definitely not going to just 'talk' with her - she was going to take her.

"Now what do we do?" Tia's voice shook. "She's going to realise that Lil's not in room four-eleven Candice..."

"I know," I said as I hurriedly pulled out my phone to call Paul. Nothing appeared on the screen - because it only recently went for a dip in the pool. "Shit! My phone. Okay, we're taking the stairs."

Without a second hesitation, we pushed open the door and started climbing the stairs two at a time. One Direction occupied the whole fifteenth floor - and I had a feeling it wouldn't take Olivia long to realise that, seeing as though she found us and got into the hotel easily enough.

After what felt like half an hour, we made it to the fifteenth floor and catapulted through the door with a loud crash.

Sprinting down the hallway, the door to the boys room opened and Harry made his way towards us down the hall, his face looking less than pleased - we came to a flying halt.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"H-Harry! O-Olivia is here!" I blurted, leaning over next to Tia, holding our burning stitches.

"What do you mean here?" He spoke slowly, his brows furrowing.

"In the h-hotel!" I coughed, my throat dry and burning. I really needed to become more sporty. I straightened up. "Where's Lil?"

I had already pushed past him before he could reply. Lil, I had to find Lil. Nothing else mattered right now.

I catapulted through the hotel door and almost ended up on my face.

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