Chapter 29: Sprung

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"Oh, hi there," he said sarcastically, raising an eyebrow. He knew that I wanted to avoid him. "So honestly, did you actually think it was a nice show? You looked a little bored back there."

I leaned back against the wall as he took a step closer to me. "I can barely hear a word your saying because your precious Directioner's screams are permanently implanted in my head," I huffed, completely serious. The ringing was bringing on a headache.

He threw his head back and let out an almighty laugh, unaware that I was completely serious about being half deaf.

"Are you still drunk?" I asked him jokingly.

"Very funny," he said sarcastically. He was so close that I could basically taste his minty breath on my tongue - I had no idea what to think. "Although I was going to ask you, how was the hangover yesterday?"

"Me?" I was appalled. "I was fine."

"Well you weren't so fine yesterday morning before the hospital." He raised a worrying eyebrow.

"I had a lot on my mind." I shot back, thinking of when I woke up yesterday to Lillian in hospital. I glanced away, just as the thought of how I actually woke up slapped me across my brain - next to Harry! I'd forgotten about that! I widened my eyes.

"What?" He frowned.

"Nothing," I squeaked.

"Tell me." He looked straight at me, I had no escape.

"Err..." I swallowed hard. "That night, did uh anything happen...?"

"Anything happen...?" He looked at me as if I was on drugs.

"Like... you know..." I hesitated, pointing between the two of us.

He just frowned - he was going to make me say it.

"Ugh... Did we have s-sex?" I gulped so loudly that it could be heard over the continual fan's screams.

He suddenly looked a little taken back. "You don't remember it?"

My heart dropped. Holy shit... no... no I couldn't have...

His laugh suddenly filled the awkward air around us. "Seriously, Candice?"

Relief bellowed through me. "That's not - funny," I huffed, trying to catch the breath that I'd been holding.

"It was a little funny," he chuckled again. "But by the way, I don't sleep with unconscious bodies."

"Of course not, sorry." I felt my cheeks reddening. "I just wanted to a-ask you."

There was a short pause before he raised an eyebrow at me. "Do I make you nervous?"

Fuck yes. "No!" I scoffed, looking over his shoulder and making eye contact with some of the guitar players for a distraction. "Every time you talk to me, people stare and I hate it."

Harry was surprised by my words, but followed my gaze and took a step away from me.

"Yeah, I know," he replied, looking sort of pissed off.

"But why?" I frowned, looking back to him. "Is it something I did?"

"No, it's not you," he quickly reassured me when he saw how offended I must have looked. "It's because I can't-" He ran a hand through his hair, struggling to get out the words.

"Can't sing?" I chuckled.

"Well probably that too," he joked back. He then glanced around to see more people trying to watch us inconspicuously. "Ugh, come with me."

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