Chapter 31: Fire and Ice

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"Sort of," he admitted, sinking into the leather seat.

I only knew that he was once with Taylor because I actually enjoyed her lyrics - she told so many stories in them. I saw a photo of them holding hands or something somewhere on the internet when looking for Taylor's new album - well I thought it was him. I waited for him to continue, but he never did. I frowned at him.

"How can you sort of date someone?" I accused, instantly thinking maybe they were friends with benefits. I mean, dating Taylor Swift? The only good thing that ever came from that, was an epic break-up song. I wondered if there was one about Harry...

He let out a long frustrated sigh, pulling me from my thoughts. "Why do you want to know so badly, anyway?" He glanced across at me.

I just shrugged. Why did I want to know so badly? It wasn't like I actually cared, I thought. "Well what did management say?"

"Ughh." He leaned forward, rubbing his face with his hands - I kind of enjoyed annoying him. "We hung out maybe twice, and both sides of management immediately jumped on the idea."

"Both sides?" I frowned again.

"Taylor's and mine, they both wanted us to get together - publicly." He looked out his window as if trying to drop the subject. Uhh, hell no.

"But why?" I asked, clearly pissing him off now. I couldn't help but smile. He was so vulnerable - I'd never seen him like his before.

"It was in between tours," Harry said giving in, turning back to me. "No one had really been in the media lately so they needed a story."

"And you agreed to this?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I didn't exactly have a choice, Candice." Harry looked serious. "And besides, Taylor was all for it so..."

"So it was basically a free fuck."

SHIT. I definitely said that out loud.

Harry's eyes widened at my sudden blatancy, a half smile creeping onto his face.

"Shit, sorry, that was meant for my head only." I felt my cheeks flush red.

"You really do have something against me, don't you?" He smirked, looking kind of proud.

I gulped, hating the fact that this converstation had turned onto me.

"I know, I know, you told me before." He shook his hair out and fixed the checkered piece of material that wrapped around his head. "You either like me or you hate me."

"I never said I actually liked you or hated you," I corrected him.

He watched me carefully, but I kept a straight face. "So where does that leave us then?"

My stomach dropped at his use of the word 'us'. "Harry, I don't understand, how can there ever be an 'us'?"

He looked at me for a minute in silence before looking forward, leaning back in his seat again. I looked away from him too, crossing my arms over my chest. He was so frustrating. He just told me tonight that management would barely let him speak to the same girl too many times - and he was leaving for Melbourne on Monday for another concert, and probably the country soon after that.

I realised then that my heart was racing, and my stomach tied into the familiar knot when I thought about Harry leaving. Imagine if I didn't see him again... My face dropped as I stared at nothing in particular out my window as the van came to a halt.

He'd been my person all week, always there when the next family betrayal arrived or secret broke out.

What if Olivia came back - I would need him - and who's hotel room would I escape to once he was gone?

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