Chapter 18: Unexpected Run-ins

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We exited the zoo behind the Lion enclosure and made our way to a nearby side road, where three vans awaited us - they were flanked by two policemen on motorbikes. Louis and Eleanor climbed into the second one with Preston while Weldon, Harry and I took the first.

As soon as Weldon slammed the van's sliding door, we took off. As we drove past the entrance to the zoo, girls turned in a frenzy and started running - running for us! They tried to run along side the van but the drivers floored it, forcing us back into our seats. The word had got out - it had got out big.

"I didn't know Preston was back," Harry said, looking to Weldon.

"Yeah he came back early, couldn't stand the cold weather back in England," Weldon chuckled. "Besides, Paul wants me with Candice."

My head snapped up. "What?"

"You need a full-time guard, Candice," he tried to explain, a sympathetic look crossing his face. "I can't keep an eye on both Harry and you."

"Well at least that will give you a break," Harry said casually, shrugging. "It will be good to have Preston back."

"I don't need a full-time guard," I ignored Harry and looked directly at Weldon. But Harry responded.

"Yes, you do."

"I can take care of myself!" I turned on Harry. "I'm only in danger whenever I'm near you because you're the famous one." My words sliced through the air, coming out a little harsher than I intended.

He pursed his lips and then glanced out the window. Whoops.

"Well, Paul's orders," Weldon said after a short pause a little saddened, making me feel guilty.

"I didn't mean it as in you as a person, Weldon," I tried to explain, feeling awful. "I just meant that-"

"Candice, just stop." Harry didn't even look at me. I'd clearly offended him too.

I sank back into my leather car seat and forced my mouth closed. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. But the air was so tight in the van - it was hard to breath and claustrophobic.

I never wanted to be here, this wasn't the life I'd chosen - I wanted to be back at school, I wanted to see my friends again. This was getting out of hand, and the only reason was because I was here in this stupid van with a stupidly famous person. I had to get out of here - I mean, I was almost eaten by a lion today... in Sydney! This wasn't normal, and I liked normal.

We were back in the city now, coming up to a set of traffic lights on George Street. This was my chance. As soon as I thought it, I was doing it. My hand yanked open the sliding door and I was out of the van, running. I could hear Harry and Weldon shouting after me - but I made it to the crowded footpath and just kept going.

I rounded the corner and continued to walk then, not even bothering to look behind me - even though I had a feeling that I was being followed. What were they going to do? Drag me back into the van? I didn't think so.

As I walked, I glanced up into the sky between the high-rise buildings and inhaled the fresh air. It reminded me of earlier this week when I was with Tia, dancing in the fountain. I wished that she was here right now, it was exactly what I needed. The hustle and bustle of the streets started to grow busier and I entered the very centre of the city. It was early afternoon, so the cafes were buzzing with workers out for lunch.

I strolled down one of my favourite eating streets, the cafes overflowing with chatter and laughter. I couldn't wait to graduate from school and be one of these people - just taking time out from work and enjoying the city cafes. My dad and I used to visit the cafe on my left every time he came home - but it had been years.

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