Chapter 26: VIP

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I sat in the black van next to Tia, Stacey and Lillian as they spoke animatedly about each boy in the band. Yes, we had managed to sneak out and were on our way to the bloody concert. The three of them wore their One Direction fan t-shirts while I wore all black as if in mourning - I felt it was appropriate.

After Lil was discharged last night, it wasn't as hard as I thought sneaking out of the house the next day. It didn't seem suspiscious at all - Mum was totally won over by our 'necessary sister walk and talk'. But, the walk ended at the end of our street where Harry had organised a driver to pick us up from around the corner.

In between being dragged away from the hospital yesterday by Paul for the zoo signing - it was too important for THE Harry Styles to miss, ugh - he'd somehow conjured up a mighty plan for us to sneak behind Paul's back at the concert tonight.

"Oh my God, look we're here!" Lillian suddenly screamed, holding hands with Tia as they bounced up and down in their seats. Now this was something you didn't see every day - Tia holding hands with Lil, I couldn't help but smile.

The van then entered through a security gate. I figured that Paul would be so distracted with oragnising his security team that he probably wouldn't even notice us backstage. Unfortunately, I hoped that there would be lots of other Directioners with VIP pass-holders too so that Lillian, Stacey and Tia could blend in - while I had planned to escape into an empty room and have a nap or something.

How long did these concerts go for anyway?

Once the van pulled up, we climbed out and joined the... oh shit! There had to be thousands of them! They were all in packs, swarming the entrance gates with their glow sticks clinging to their arms and rolled up posters. Lillian fit right in as she had put a few glow sticks on each arm too, to cover her bandages.

"Come on, Candice!" Tia called as I made every effort to walk as slow as possible towards my worst nightmare.

Once we got through the ticket gates, we were escorted to a less crowded area and through a guarded door. It opened into a long hallway which we followed for a few minutes before entering a huge waiting room full of Directioners, I actually felt slightly relieved. There was no way Lil, Stacey or Tia would be recognised.

"Oh, this is the 'meet and greet' part!" Stacey chimed, glancing around.

"Do we get to see all of them?" Lillian asked, wide-eyed.

"Yeah, of course - we even get a photo!" Tia replied.

"Wait - what?" They all turned to look at me. "A photo with all of the guys? No, there's no way we can do that."

"What, why not!?" Stacey whined.

"I haven't met them all before," Lillian's eyes becoming glassy.

"If all five boys are there - Paul will definitely be there." I glanced at all of them.

Tia sighed. "She's right, your uncle is head of security - and this is a major thing."

Suddenly a high-pitch screech came from a microphone, held by a man standing above the crowd.

"Attention all, please," he began. "In about five minutes we'll start calling each group through to the meet and greet room, where you will have the opportunity to meet the boys and have your photo taken with them. Please make yourself comfortable and we'll try to get through all of you as quickly as possible - thankyou."

A round of applause erupted in the room - oh please. I leaned against the back wall by the door, trying to figure out a plan of how to get out of this. Suddnely I heard the door click open slightly.

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