Pokemon AU Part 1

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A/N: Fuyumi Fujioka is starting her journey to be a Pokemon Master. The dangerous encounters she faces will change her demon life forever.

Fuyumi woke up from her bed and got ready.

Ready for what you might ask?

Her Pokemon journey!

She couldn't wait.

She put on her black shirt that said 'Pretty little psycho' along with her red placid dress, red and black stripe socks, and blacks shoes. She brushed her hair into pigtails to make it look like Yazawa Nico's hairstyle from Love Live. Finally, she grabbed her pinkish-white bookbag and put in on her shoulder add the finishing touch.

Fuyumi: Perfect! Pokemon Journey! Here I come!

She went downstairs and greeted her other brothers.

Her older brothers Gilbert and Oliver were already Pokemon trainers. Gilbert was grooming his Litten with a brush while Oliver played with his Rufflet.

Twins: Hey squirt.

Fuyumi glared at them. She hated that name.

Fuyumi: Don't call me that. Where's Onii-chan?

Kyosuke, the only brother in the family that's not the trainer yet because he was still too young, answered for her.

Kyosuke: He's in his lab doing his research. You can go meet him. You better hurry if you want your Pokemon.

Fuyumi: Right! See you guys later!

You see, their eldest brother, Shiho Fujioka, was a Pokemon Professor. He started thus ended his pokemom journey years ago then became a Pokemon Professor for few years til now. He's still the current professor working in the lab next door to their home.

Fuyumi went out of the home and race to the lab. She open the door and saw a couple of scientists already there. Some of them of greet her in friendly way as she walk by smiling at them.

Fuyumi: (I'M SO EXCITED!!)

There. She finally saw her older brother.

He looked like an older male version on her. Same black hair (Though his is shorter). Same red eyes. He wore his dark skull shirt underneath his white lab coat, dark pants, and dark boots. You could say he received an nickname: "The Gothic Professor."

Fuyumi: Onii-chan~!

Shiho: Ah. Fuyumi! Your right on time too. Now, let's jump to business. Are you ready to start your journey...? Espically at this age....?

Fuyumi: Shiho-Nii! I'm 10 years old! I'm old enough to take care of myself.

Shiho:....Right...Anyway. I'm glad your following your dreams of becoming an Pokemon Master. The twins...Well. They're still on their journeys together. But their pride is as big as their ego. I don't think they'll stand a chance of becoming ones theirselves.

Fuyumi: (True.)

Shiho: Kyosuke is still young. But someday he'll follow his dreams in own way. Now that leads you.

Fuyumi: (Here goes!)

Shiho: There are three pokeballs on the table next to me containing Pokemon. They're the starter Pokemon to which you'll choose one of them as your partner for your journey. So choose wisely Fuyumi.

Fuyumi: OKAY!

Shiho: Alright. Will you choose Tepig, the fire-type Pokemon?

Tepig: -Appears- TEPIG!

Shiho: Oshawott. The water-type Pokemon?

Oshawott:-Appears- Oshawott~!

Shiho: Or Snivy! The grass-type Pokemon?

Snivy: -Appears- Snivy...

Fuyumi: Wowwww~!

Shiho: So Remember. Choose wisely Imouto. No take backs.

Fuyumi: (Hmmm...Snivy does seem strong. But I don't think it likese judging from that glare. Tepig seems cool! But Oshawott is...?)

She noticed that Oshawott was trying to get her attention in a cute way. It was wagging it's tail while dancing a bit.

She couldn't take the cuteness!

She now decided...She made her choice!

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