Shiho is afraid of what?!

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A/N: Shiho has dollphobia....

Jun: Shiho!

Shiho: -Annoyed- What is it?

Jun: Let's watch Annabelle!


Jun: Hey... What's wrong...? You look pale...I mean not like 'goth' pale. I mean really pale.

Shiho: N-Nothing....

Jun: Wait...You got scared when I mentioned Annabelle... Don't tell me your afraid of dolls, are you?!

Shiho: .......

Jun: Why?

Shiho: Because they're plain creepy... Especially with the way they stare at you...Even when you're back is turned...I just can't help but feel like they're watching me...

Jun: Shiho...Dolls are not out to get you.

Fuyumi: -Appears- Onii-chan check out my new doll! I call her Brittany!

Brittany: -Stares at Shiho-.......

Shiho:.......-Screaming on the inside-


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