Wanna Play~~?

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A/N: Horror. Minor-Gore and Death. With some family bonding. If you don't like the first three. Turn Back...

A young woman in her early 20s.

Brown hair. Blue eyes.

Finds herself in a dangerous predicament.

Because she found herself lost in the woods and two devil twin brothers were following her.


Gilbert: Come back~!

Oliver: We just wanna play with you~!


Suddenly she saw Fuyumi.

Fuyumi: This way. Quickly.

The woman ran over to her and hid with her.

Gilbert: Where she go?

Oliver: Damnit. Fast one isn't she?

The twins left.

The woman sighs and look at Fuyumi.

Woman: Thank y-Gaaaaaaaah?!!!

Fuyumi giggles evilly as she slashes the woman's back with her claws. Her horns, wings, and devil tail appeared.

Fuyumi: You should never trust a demon~! You humans always look funny when you run~!

Girl: Why...? P-Please. Let me go.

???: Let you go? Why should we? You humans always run if we let you go?

Fuyumi: Oh hey Kyousuke~!

Kyosuke: It's Kyosuke. Fuyumi-Nee-chan.

Fuyumi: Oh right sorry~!

The woman tried to crawl away.

But Kyosuke grabs her leg and pulls her back.

The twins then showed up.

Gilbert: No fair!

Oliver: You managed to catch her! That's cheating!

Fuyumi: Yep! Maybe it's because I'm better than you guys~! Since I am a lady. All I had to do was sweet talk her~!

Twins: (Bitch...)

The siblings then turned their attention towards the sobbing woman as they dragged her home and took her to the basement where there were so many torture tools everywhere inside.

Kyosuke: I'm bored. What should we do with her?

Fuyumi: Oh! Oh! I wanna play a game!

Twins: What kinda game?

Fuyumi: Let's play that old viking torture game~! Bloody Eagle~!

The lady's eyes went wide and her skin turned pale as the other siblings smirked evilly.

Twins: OH YEAH~!

Kyosuke: This is going to be fun~!

Fuyumi: Fun~! Fun~!

The siblings's eyes all turned red and murderous. Fuyumi holds the woman's arms down and Kyosuke does the same with her legs.

Woman: N-Noooooooo!!!!

Twins: Hehe. Don't struggle food. The pain will only get worse~!

Nobody heard the lady's ear-piercing screams of pain.


Shiho: I'm home.

The siblings came out all bloody and smiling at him.

Siblings: Welcome home Nii-chan~!

Shiho looked in wonder at his siblings not really caring about the blood that was all over them or the crazed grins on their faces. Not even was the bucket full of guts that Kyosuke had in his hands had much of his attention.

Shiho: So...Anything happen while all I was gone?

Gilbert: Yep! We tortured a stupid human.

Oliver: Yeah! She was our old teacher!

Shiho raised an eyebrow at them.

Shiho: And why did you torture her?

Fuyumi: She gave them detention for no reason.

Shiho: And how did you torture her?

Kyosuke: Bloody Eagle~!

Shiho: Ah.

That's all he needed to know.

He then smiles at them.

Shiho: Alright then. You guys get clean up and get ready. We're going out to eat.

Siblings: YAY!

Shiho feeds their cat, Kuro as his siblings washed up and got ready to leave.

None of the Fujioka Siblings gave two-shits about the corpse rotting away in the torture chamber.

Demon SiblingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon