Requested pt.1

404 14 23

Asked By: SylviaSakuma

Question: When did we met Sylvia?

Shiho: When did we met Sylvia? Well. It's no mystery how we met her. It's  almost like she was sent to us. She was all by herself all alone until she met Slenderman (Yes he's real, we're buddies and he's my gambling partner.)

Twins: Then Slenderman introduce her to us...And that's when our worse nightmare came true...

Fuyumi: It's not like I hate Sylvia or anything. It's just that I'm jealous of her.

Kyosuke: -Pouts- Nii-chan spoils her the most out of us and say we should treat her as family...

Twins: Bull-shit!

Shiho: Gee. What's with you guys? Anyway. Sylvia stayed with us for a while like about a year or two until we found her real family. Poor Sylvia been through some rough times. Especially for a young demon like her. Both her parents are dead while her adopted parents abused her mercilessly in every way and the only family she has are two brothers, Hoshi and Saeran, and a whole mess of sisters, I forgot to count how many though. I also learn she has some other relatives and masters around the world. I even got her picture.

Shiho: No

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Shiho: No...I'm not a lolicon! She's just one of the cutest little girls I ever seen~!

Fuyumi: Hey! She once stole my look!

Shiho: Shut up Fuyumi, you're cute too and she stopped okay! Let it go!!

Fuyumi: -Pouts-

Twins: -Snickers-

Fuyumi: Shut up. Both of you.

Sylvia: -Giggles-

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