wake up kiss... um... i mean call.

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"baby? hello? sweetheart? helllooooo?" he shook me lightly, trying to wake me up. "hmmm?" i didnt bother opening my eyes. "if you dont get up in two minutes im going to flip you out of this chair..." he chuckled. i sighed heavly and rolled over to face him, still laying in bed. opening my eyes slightly he said "theres my princess." and it was only then when i realized who it was. my boyfriend was in my bedroom and the sun wasnt even up yet. "why the hell are you in my room? what time is it???" i sat up and straightened my silk pajama tanktop, trying to look presentable. "your dad asked me to get you up. were working outside and he didnt want you asleap while no one was in here incase somthing happened and you got hurt." he reached up to touch my hair and i sighed. "im NOT getting up before the sun does on a saturday. dad was fine with me staying here while he went to pick you up so im going back to bed" i layed back in pile of satiny pillows and looked around. i slept on the bottom level of my bunkbed and around it was silk "curtains" and other fabrics to make it like a canopy. inside the canopy at one corner was a pile of silky satin feather pillows and covering the whole bed was several layers of down comforters and of course, then there was my white teadybear. a recent addition after valentines day. closing my eyes i snuggled back into my throne of pillows to go back to sleep when i heard his laughter. "what?" i sighed sleeply. "you are getting up and your going to like it." he grabbed the edge of all my comforters and tossed them off me. my practicly bare legs (because i wore only a pair of silky shorts that matched the tanktop) were verry cold and when i sat up to pull the blankets back he swept me up into his arms and out of my room. i banged my tiny fists on his chest and scoffed "put me down!!!" and he just laughed. "if you dont put me down right now!-" i began to protest and he gripped me tighter against his body and kissed me. "first off," i began when the kiss ended "im not that easily destracted. and second, your getting a little touchy..." i put my hand on his that was on my upper thy near the edge of my shorts and pushed it away as he sat me on the floor and chuckled. i turned to go back into my bedroom "where are you going?" he started to protest. "to my room," i looked back at him over my sholder "to change. sense your not going to let me sleep and im not spending all day in my pajamas... i cant even see you cause i dont have my contacts in.... now go get to work soldier boy" i flicked the collar of his camoflauge jacket and walked back into my room shutting the door. i could hear his muffled proud laughs as he leaned against the wall in the hallway to my room and i peaked out my door in time to see him touch his finger to his lips remembering the kiss before he walked out of sight and out to the front yard to work.


not my best story, it was one of those "had to be there" moments.



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