:8: Digital Love

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Gradient POV

I dashed to the computer lab, hurrying my pace, I did promised that I would help BlueScreen with something.


I ran to the library, I was suppose to be going home, but I forgot one of my books! Curse myself for being so forgetful! Once I arrived there it was closed! I can't study in this condition! I then banged the door, trying to open it, but no avail.

Attempt 7....nothing. Still haven't got in. I then sighed in defeat, knowing I won't get those damn books!

"Hey, you alright there?"

A woman's voice, I looked up, I blushed a light green. It was not any lady.... It was my crush, BlueScreen Digit (yep, 'Digit' is her last name, I can't think of something more better). I then stand up and replied.

Gradient: No, half of my books are in the library and it's closed.

BlueScreen: You should have asked me. I am the school's key keeper and gaming club president (Yandere SIM anyone? No? Okay I'll shut up)

Gradient: Really? Gee thanks

BlueScreen: No problem


Gradient: Thanks a lot BlueScreen.

As I was going to the school gate, she grabbed my arm.

BlueScreen: Hey! You're not going to slip away that easy.

I blushed when she said that? I just forgot that she would always have a catch when you need her assistance, but what those she want from me. She then let go of my arm and said

BlueScreen: I needed help with an art project, and I want to draw better in my drawing tablet. I want you to teach me.

Gradient: Oh okay, su-sure!

BlueScreen: Good. I'll meet you at the computer lab after school tomorrow. See ya.

Flashback end~~~~

I then stopped at the computer lab entrance to be greeted by an angry BlueScreen.

BlueScreen: Took you a long time to get here.

Gradient: Sorry, I just had more work.

BlueScreen: Next time be quick.
Gradient: Sorry

-@$ Tem Skip -@$

BlueScreen: Thanks for the lessons, you should teach me more often, when you have the time ya know.

Gradient: Yeah, I'm cool with it.

BlueScreen: Thanks.... Again, well... See ya!

Gradient: Bye.

Once she was out of my sight, I then glanced at the Cafe. PJ was still there with Fresh on his 'hangout', and in the other side was my dad and my art teacher......

Wait....... Dad?

Oh PJ's gonna get it.


Yes, this is also a BlueScreen x Gradient and it's a short chapter.... And from what I said, 'there are more ships in here' (but only the ships that I ship)

Sorry not sorry for the mistakes I made here (some spelling errors etc.)

That's all for now!
-Nerdy Kat

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